Just plain luck

24 1 9

During class Carson poked my back with a pencil, drew on my shirt, and tried to put glued in my seat every time I got up. I had the last straw with him.

Got up, took the bottle of glue, and took the cap off with the glue dumping over his head. Its a good thing the teacher is in the bathroom. The bell rings and I get up leaving Carson with a hair full of glue. I just walk down the hallway with everyone staring at my face or what they call "uglyness" but I just ignore.

"Jaidin." I turn around to see Carson following me. I start to run but he catches up to me and his two friends come out of nowhere and grab my arms. "Let me go!" Carson leads his friends and with me in their hands. "I will not let you go until I am done with you." I kick him in the knee, Ah crap a missed, and he turns around and slaps me to where there's a red hand mark where he slapped me. "Your not gonna like what your getting, Miss geek." He turns around and takes me to behind the school. "Put her down." Carson commands. And he kicks me in the stomach after I fall onto the hard concrete. "You deserve all of this." He picks me up by my collar and punches me until there are multiple bruises left on my face. After the last punch I fall on the concrete and see a pool of blood forming around my mouth.

"You'll never be loved or liked! And you'll never beautiful like other people. Your just going to be a stupid girl that is never loved!... Let's go guys." And I am left there on the ground crying and I see blurry footsteps across my face and black out.


I see Carson walking the halls toward me as I am walking the elementary school halls with Jeffrey in front of me. And only stop because we are surrounded by Carson and other guys that look like are my age. "What are you doing Carson?" He doesn't respond and punches Jeffrey in the nose. "That was for stealing my girlfriend!" I give a confused look and carter watches Jeffrey with pain in his eyes.
"She was never your girlfriend!" He looks at me, waiting for a resp once with everyone now staring at me. "Carson I only dated you because you forced me, you threatened me. I Never liked you! I always hated that you got what you want and always hurt everybody!"

"That's not my fault. I only wanted you but you'll never be mine now that you are with him!" He walks toward me and some of the the guys circling us grabs Jeffrey by the arms. "Now that you both are here you are going to watch you girlfriend get what she deserves." He walks up to me punching my face so hard I fall to the ground. "NO!" Jeffrey's voice is jolted with anger and Carter slaps his face after his scream. I try to get up but I get knocked down by Carson's powerful kick into my back. "Ah!" My scream halts with my breath shortening as his foot hits my back once more. "Stop hurting her!"

"I will not until you break up with her!" He shakes his head no and looks in Carson's eyes with anger. My eyesight suddenly grows dim and slowly turning black until I couldn't see any longer.

The next morning I wake up in a hospital bed.


I open my eyes and see Luke's face and realise...This is not my bed. I am in Luke's room. "Holy mother of skittles why am I in your room!?"
"I saw you behind the school on my way out if the school and saw you there in a pool if blood. Its a good thing my moms a nurse. She helped me." I look under the covers and see that these are NOT my clothes! "Where are my clothes!?" His eyes widen in horror and stutters a bit. "Um... I c-changed your clothes because y-your clothes are all bloody and dirty so I had to wash them."

"How long have I been sleeping?"
He scratches the back if his neck and looks at me as if I had been beaten up...oh wait, I have. "Two days." "WHAT!?" as soon as I stop yelling at him Luke's mother walks in with my clothes but not the ones from supposedly two days ago. "Is she awake?"
"Yea, she just now woke up." I give a confused look to his mother and she introduces herself. "I am Clarissa, but you can call me Claire. I am Luke's mother. I went over to your house and your mother gave me some of your clean clothes so you can wear them."
"Have I really been asleep for two days!?" Claire sighs putting my clothes on Luke's bed. "Yes, what happened? Why were you knocked out?" I give a sigh and pull the covers off. "Nothing. I'll be on my way I have to go back to my house." I start to walk toward the door but Luke blocks the door. "You can't leave." I look at the Opened window and look back at him. "Sorry..." he looks confused as I hurry and crawl out the window into mine and its a good thing I had my window unlocked. I would've had to go back into his room. I look in his window and his mom left the room. I realised. I left my phone! NO! Aw crap he just took my phone. I should've put a password on it but Noooooo I had to be stubborn and be like I don't want to spend all that time getting onto my phone! Stupid me! Wait!? Why is he looking through my pictures? This is so funny looking at his reaction but embarrassing at the same time.

Okay... why is hr looking through my contacts? Oh wow he is now taking selfies! Great. Just great! Some of them are sexy looks and others are either a smile or a dabb. This is somehow entertaining.


Its been three hours and he is texting my friends and is looking through my conversations and... I need to get a life. I look at the clock and it is 10:07 at night. I took a shower and he is still on my phone. Okay I had enough of this! I throw a pebble at his window and he looks up and opens his window. "Entertaining yourself, Now that's over GIVE ME MY PHONE BACK!" He gives me a smirk and laughs. "What's so funny?"
"Feisty, I like it. Your not getting your phone back."
"WHAT!? No I'll do anything!"
"Anything?" I hit my forehead on the window frame. "I regret say in that."

"Oh your gonna like what I have in store for you..."

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