tonight show

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Harry had left Anne's and flew into New York this morning. He had forgotten he's scheduled for the tonight show and he had to make a very quick call to his manager. Since leaving the label, he had hired a new one, simply to help him manage his dates and everything.

But watching him leave still so sad made me know how truly regretful he is. It's making me come to terms with the mistake and understanding he's only human, and I can't stay mad for a drunk mistake he made. It just hurt more because he had promised me more, but he's the only one that's been able to let me live.

"So are you staying up to watch?" Anne asks, my head only nodding. She smiles and finishes the dishes. I walk upstairs and shower really quick, coming back down to watch the show with Anne.

Gemma walks through the door with her boyfriend and they greet us, sitting down on the opposite couch together to watch the show.

Harry is introduced and he walks out, looking stunning as always. He shakes hands with the host and takes a seat, my lips curving at how good he looks.

There's talk about the leave from the label and rumors of him starting a solo career, but Harry just sets everything straight. His honesty makes me more trusting in him.

"So I have to ask how your relationship status just seems to be all over the place now a days? Living the young and wild life and getting the ladies," the host says, but Harry turns almost somber. A wave of confusion and sadness seems to strike him and my heart stops.

"Um, no. I, uh, have just made a few mistakes, it's all," Harry says, not smiling but rather with furrowed eyebrows.

He's asked to clarify that he's not dating the model he had went out with and other things, but then he stops the host from talking.

"Oh no," Anne says, her hand cupping her forehead.

"What?" I ask, her thumb pausing the TV from the remote.

"Clara, I don't know what he's about to say. So all I'm going to tell you is brace yourself," Gemma says for Anne, my stomach turning.

The TV is played, and I watch as Harry's anger seems to unfold on the screen.

"Look, I've had enough of the set up relationships so I'm going to set one thing straight. There's only one girl I've had my eye on for months and this kind of *beep* keeps ruining my chances with her. She's a very important girl to me, and I'd damn well be honored if I could be with her. She's not some *beep* act that I always seem to be dating. No. She's real. And she's the person I've been looking for since starting the band. I'm proving myself to her and these *beep* paps and the *beep* stories keep making everything worse," he grits, my jaw dropping. I can only assume he's swearing because he's finally letting the world know what he wants. He's getting the voice he wants.

"I just want to be with my girl. Happily," he states, running his hand through his hair. The host somehow conveys the interview to something else and I turn to look at Anne.

"Me?" I ask, the three people in the room nodding. I just needed to make sure what just happened was real.

I manage to get upstairs before I collapse, my bed warming me. But I do something I haven't done in the longest time and I dial Harry's number, getting his voicemail. And the words get choked so I can only say one thing.


I hang up, too scared to even answer anything so I shut the phone off. My body turns over and I close my eyes, dealing and coping with all my emotions. So I stay in bed the rest of the night and a knock on the door wakes me up, my head turning.

"I have to pick him up. You want to join?" Anne asks, my head nodding. I quickly make myself somewhat presentable, pulling my hair back. I meet Anne in the car and she drives down to the airport, my nerves growing. She parks, unbuckling her seatbelt, but I stop her.

"Can I go alone?" I ask, her lips curving.

"Of course," she says, handing me the flight info. I thank her and walk into the building, my eyes glancing at the signs to where I need to go. He arrives in a few minutes and I stand by a wall, waiting.

People start lining out of the gate, reconnecting with loved ones. Then I spot Harry, his hair kept in a beanie and a hoodie on his body. He searches and I find myself running, racing to him. Once he looks my way, he drops his bags and gets ready to brace me. He grabs my waist, lifting me up, and hugs me close.

"Happily," he repeats, the two of us knowing exactly what it means.

So overwhelmed with emotions, I lift my head, grabbing his face, and press my lips to his. Our soft, chaste kiss is enough for him to know I'm serious. I trust him and I know we can do this. He's doing everything he can to show me he's with me. He sets me down, but keeps me wrapped in his arms.

"I promise I'll make everything up to you, even if it's until the day I die," he whispers, continuously pressing soft pecks to my lips.

He finishes by kissing the tip of my nose and I smile, finding myself tearing up at how happy I am at this moment. My hands fall and I wrap my arms around his waist, burying my face in his chest.

"You're my girl, Clara. No one else," he assures me, my heart growing just like my smile. He holds me close for a few minutes longer and then lets me go, taking my hand as I lead him the way to Anne's car.

We get in and Anne starts talking to Harry, his happiness nothing like what he portrayed on the tonight show. He refuses to let my hand go and he helps me out of the car when Anne parks.

"Come to my house tonight," he whispers in my ear, my eyes closing at his words. He kisses the corner of my jaw, his hand sliding over my waist.

"Be with me," he continues, my head shaking.

"Harry," I start, but he cuts me off.

"I want my girl beside me tonight," he pleads. "Please, come home with me."

He moves to grab my face, his forehead resting on mine. "Let me show you you're the only one."

My heart stops at his words, not knowing fully what they mean. If he's insinuating we're going to have sex, I'm not ready. At least I don't think I am.

Maybe that's what it will take for him to show he's serious. But I don't know if I can lose my virginity yet.

The feeling of his lips pressing to mine is the first thing I feel pulling me away from my thoughts. I grab his waist and he kisses me, my head spinning.

And our usually soft kisses, the kiss deepens. Tongues run against each other's and he bites my lower lip gently. But he's unable to continue further due to my words.

"Let's go," I mindlessly breathe out, listening to my body. I want to be with him right now. How? I don't even know yet.

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Much Love! <3 xoxo

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