Taureen tried to dodge but barely dodged them, handicapped with me in his arms. The captain pinned his ears back as his mouth open in a silent snarl, aiming the energy blaster at us again. Taureen turned so that he shielded me from the blasts. "Run!" He threw me into the air before he gave a short cry of pain and collapsed on the ground.

I managed to get my wings working and quickly looked down to see Taureen fall face first on the ground as a yellow electric shimmer faded from where it had struck his back.

"Taureen!" He didn't move. My mindvoice bounced back, and I knew he hadn't heard me. He took the blast that had been meant for me...

I was almost frozen in shock as I hovered near the ceiling. The captain took several steps forward and aimed the weapon at Taureen's head. My vision gained a red tint as pure unfiltered rage swamped my mind.

With an enraged battle scream, I dove at the captain. He looked up at the noise just in time to get a face full of searing flame. With a scream, he dropped to his knees, awkwardly scrambling backwards.

I flipped upside down to correct my flightpath, banking sharply as I flew right behind his neck. I fully extended the claws on both of my front hands and swiftly lashed out at the side of his neck, leaving deep lacerations as my momentum took me past him.

I did a wingover to send my flame down onto the captain again. My sharp claws had caused a lot of damage, and he was bleeding heavily. The sound of the far door opening distracted me from my attack, and I sharply altered my course, landing on Taureen's back. I mantled my wings protectively over him while snarling at the door.

Taureen hadn't moved yet, but I could feel him breathing beneath me. He still lived.

The two crew members paused as they saw the scene. Suddenly, they reached for their weapons as they spun to face the two Kymari beside them. Tran and Vick were faster and struck the two crew members before they aimed their weapons. They slumped down, unconscious.

Turning their attention towards me, Tran and Vick carefully walked closer. My sight was still tinted in red, and I flared my wings as I screeched a warning. My ear tufts were pinned flat, and I kept up a constant stream of growls that warned them to keep their distance.

Tran knelt down to pick up and examine the weapon that the captain had used. He sighed in relief. "It only has a four stun rating. Taureen should regain consciousness shortly."

Vick observed me from where he stood. "Good, because I don't want to go anywhere near Tasha at the moment."

Tran punched something into his wrist comm. "I alerted the guards. They are on their way."

Mere seconds later, the four Kymari guards ran through the open door. I mantled my wings once more over Taureen while snarling at their approach. My wings may not have hidden much, but the message should have been quite clear. Two of the newly arrived guards went to bind the wounds on the captain's neck before they hauled him away.

The other two walked up beside Tran and Vick. One inquired, "Why are we leaving him like that?"

Tran gave him an ironic look. "Because Tasha is guarding him, and he was just stunned. He should wake shortly."

The Kymari shook his head. "We should check to make sure he didn't sustain a more severe injury."

Vick snorted. "Easier said than done. Tasha's claws are sharp, and she can breathe fire."

Ignoring their advice, the Kymari slowly started walking towards me. I was snarling so viciously that my wings were actually vibrating from the force of it.

Upon Wings Of ChangeWhere stories live. Discover now