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"The morning light will lead you,

No weapon will defeat you."


Isn't it sad? As soon as things are going great, life has to butt in and say, "Now, wait just a second." and ruin everything. Have you ever felt this pain? To watch someone that you love more than yourself lying lifeless in a bed? To know he won't make it? To know all of the good times are over?

Johnny Cash said love burns, but I would never have imagined it would hurt this bad. 

When I woke up, clutching Emerson's hand, I knew my dreams of him being okay were far too good to be true. I would give anything for him to be okay, even my own life. 

Getting the news I got today was beyond torture, the doctor might as well rip my heart from my chest and stab it with a scalpel right before my eyes. 

I leaned on the bed, gripping Emerson's hand as tightly as I could, and quietly sang Morning Light when the doctor came in. Naturally, I stopped what I was doing and looked up at the doctor. 

"Hello, Ms. Victoria." He said kindly, holding a clipboard as he came closer to me. 

I couldn't say anything, so I just faked a smile and nodded at him. He gave me a guilty look, knowing what he was about to say would absolutely crush me. 

"I have some bad news for you, I'm not going to sugar coat it, because it's best if I tell you the whole truth and nothing but." He said, looking down at his clipboard. 

"What is it?" I asked as I sat up. I let go of Emerson's hand and sighed. 

The doctor fixed his glasses and cleared his throat. "Emerson has been here for almost two months and hasn't woken up. I'm afraid the damage to his brain was a lot more severe than we thought, and now we have two options." 

I let go of Emerson's hand and felt tears start to form in my eyes. "And... what are those two options?" I said shakily, trying my hardest not to cry.

"Well, he can still live, but he will be a vegetable. Won't be able to speak, move, or do pretty much anything on his own." He said in a monotone voice. 

I looked down at the floor, "And the other option?" 

He was silent, then cleared his throat. 

"We pull the plug." 

The words echoed over and over in my head, it hurt. I shook my head and sighed, "I'm not in the position to make that decision, but I will contact his brother immediately and let him know what's going on." 

After that, the doctor left. I was alone with Emerson again in the quiet room. The only sound was the quiet beep sound the heart monitor made every few seconds. I turned and gripped his hand again. "Oh, Emerson." I said softly, as I rubbed my finger across his hand. 


I called Remington and explained the options, he met me at the hospital almost immediately, joined by Evey and Sebastian. 

The room was so much more alive with them there. 

"A vegetable?" Evey said confused, "He's gonna be a food?" 

I sighed and shook my head, "No, you damn dope. It means he won't be able to do anything on his own, we would have to take care of him." 

She looked at me, giving me a face that meant now she understood. 

Remington and Sebastian stood with the doctor, trying to figure out which option was best. 

Which option was best? Having to take care of him, never being able to hear his voice again? Or pull the plug and never hear his voice again? Both options killed me. 

After conversing, Remington and Sebastian had finally come to a decision. 

"We're going to pull the plug, it's what he'd want us to do." Sebastian said calmly. 

How can he be calm right now? 

I stood up, the words "pull the plug" swam through my head. I can't take this. My eyes filled with sorrow and tears, my fists filled with rage. Everyone was looking at me to see what I'd do next. Honestly, I wish I hadn't done this, it was the stupidest thing I'd ever done. 

I snapped.

I walked to the metal door, then punched it as hard as I could. My fist was now covered in the after math of my overwhelming emotions. I let tears fall from my eyes, then ran outside as fast as  I could. 

Evey followed behind me, yelling my name as I ran away from her. 

"Victoria, would you fucking wait up?" She yelled as she ran after me. 

I stopped walking, then turned around to look at her. "Okay, I stopped running. What do you want from me?" 

She panted, then looked up at me. "Why are you acting like this? I understand it hurts, but why?" 

I shook my head, trying to keep my cool. "You don't understand." I said, taking a few steps closer to her. "The love of my life, the little drummer from Kropp Circle that I've had a crush on since I was fourteen years old, is lying lifeless right in front of me." Tears rolled down my cheeks, and blood dripped down my knuckles. "And the worst part is, there's nothing I can do to save him." I said quietly.

She was silent for a long time, then she walked up to me. "Look, maybe I don't know first hand what you're feeling right now, but I'm hurting too. Emerson is like family to me now, he's one of the nicest people I'd ever met. I don't want lose him either, but there's nothing we can do about it now." 

I stood there, crying and staring at the floor. "I don't want him to die." I said softly. 

"No one does. We all want him to live a long and happy life, but I'm afraid it just can't happen." She said, matching my tone. 

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