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After a week of having a concussion and sleeping all day, I finally was able to help with the tour again.

 Today, we were in Orlando, Florida.

 I woke up early, and helped Mason, Kevin, and Sebastian set up the merch tables. It was completely, awkwardly silent in the room except some music playing through the speakers. I brought in a box of Sounds Like Harmony shirts and posters, and set it on the floor.

 "Where's Tyler's table?" I asked. 

Kevin turned and looked at me. "Oh, uh just put his stuff on one of the empty tables." He said as he turned back around.

 I nodded and picked the box up to put it on the table. Everyone was talking to each other, and I felt left out. I walked outside, and climb on top of a car. I sat on the hood, and lit a cigarette. I took a drag, and looked straight ahead. I inhaled the smoke, and relaxed. I felt someone tap my shoulder and turned around to see it was Francheska.

 "I thought you were helping the guys set up?" She asked, as she sat next to me. 

I shrugged as I blew out the thick white smoke. "Felt like I didn't belong in there." I said, taking another drag. There was an awkward silence, then I looked at her. "I haven't talked to Aiden since the accident. He keeps ignoring me, do you have any clue what's going on with him?" I asked her.

 She looked at me, "He's jealous. Of you and Emerson." She said before looking away. I looked away from her, and shook my head.

 "I don't see why." I took another drag, and sighed.

 "How long has it been since you've seen each other?" She asked.

 "About 5 years." I said, exhaling smoke. I threw the cigarette butt on the floor, and took out another one.

 "Five years ago, he probably had a crush on you or something. Now that you're back, and have a different guy in your life, he's jealous." She said. I put my cigarette back into the box, and jumped off of the car roof. My feet hit the hard blacktop, and I walked off. 

I walked on to BSR's bus, and Aiden was sitting on the couch. He looked up at me from his phone.

 "Hey Aiden." I said. He didn't respond and kept looking at his phone. "No, I'm fine. Yeah, my time in the hospital was fucking great, thanks for not asking." I yelled at him, he looked up at me, and kept ignoring.

 I went up to him, and grabbed his phone from his hand, then threw it on to my bunk. "What is your fucking problem?" I screamed at him. He stood up and looked at me. 

"You're my fucking problem." He said quietly.

 I looked at him confused. "What the fuck! How are you just going to invite me to come on tour with you, and claim that I'm your fucking problem." I yelled at him. 

He scoffed and shook his head. "Maybe because I invited my childhood bestfriend, not a fucking slut." He yelled back at me. He got closer to my face.

 "Sorry Aiden, five years is a long time. People fucking grow up, time flies and people fucking change." I yelled into his face. He pushed me on the floor, and I reached and grabbed the first thing I could feel. An empty root beer bottle, nice. Aiden walked up to me, and grabbed my arm. He leaned towards me, and whispered.

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