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(Evey POV) 

I fell asleep late last night trying to figure out where Emerson and Victoria were. Thank god it's an off day. Remington woke me up around noon, saying I had a missed phone call. I got up, and looked at my phone. Restricted Number: 4m ago. I looked at it confused then put it down. I started to make coffee, then my phone started ringing. Restricted number again. 

"Hello?" I answered unsure.

 There was static then a male voice.

"Hello, is this Evey?" He said

"Y-yes, who is this?"

"Hi, I'm Dr. Allen."


"There's a patient here, and we looked at their contact information, under family you were the only number in our system."

"Oh god, oh god, oh god." I whispered, I knew it was about Victoria. 

"Well, your friend Victoria, is here. She was in a bad accident and is in critical cond-" 

I dropped the phone before he could finish his sentence. 

Remington turned and looked at me. "Is everything okay?" He asked as he picked up my phone. 

I shook my head and my eye filled with tears. "N-no." I sobbed.

 He hugged me tightly. "Who called?" He asked, holding me.

 "It was a hospital, Victoria's there." I said in between tears, I wiped my eyes and sighed. "I'd imagine Emerson is there too." I said softly.

 Remington sighed and nodded. "Well, let's go." He said pulling me to the car.


After a sad, full of tears and sniffles, car ride we finally got to the hospital. I ran inside the glass sliding doors to the little counter with Remington trying to keep up with me. I stopped at the  counter and a lady asked me why I was there. 

"Is there a Victoria Keona in this hospital?" I asked, panting.

 She looked on her computer and then back at me. "Yes in room," she put her finger on the screen and squinted, "room 19 of the ICU." I smiled and nodded at the lady, then rushed to the room.

The ICU was a creepy looking place. We roamed the halls looking at room numbers. 13, 15, 17, finally 19. I stared at the door handle and took a deep breath. I shook as I reached for the handle to open it. Slowly, I turned the handle and pushed the white metal door open. I closed my eyes tightly, and then opened them once the door was open. There she was. I let go of the handle, and moved closer to her. "Oh my god." I whispered to myself. 

She was covered in dirt, mud, and dry blood. Her pale skin was now red and brown. He blonde patch in her hair now dark red. Her messily winged eyeliner smudged and smear all over her face. Her bright hazel eyes, lifeless.

She was hooked up to 3 machines: a monitor, an IV, and a breathing machine. My eyes filled with tears and I covered my mouth. I blinked, and felt tears run down my cold face. I've seen Victoria at her worse, but never like this.

 A doctor walked in and I wiped my face. "I presume you're Evey?" He said. I nodded and didn't say a word. He nodded once, and smiled at me. 

"What happened?" I said, my voice cracked because I had been crying.

 The doctor looked at his clipboard, then flipped a few papers. "Her any her boyfriend were driving in the snow, and slid off the bridge." He said in a monotone voice. I sat down on the chair next to the bed and looked at Victoria.

 "Is she going to be okay?" I asked.

 The doctor sighed. "Her left lung is punctured, but she's recovering so she should be." He said smiling slightly.

 I sighed in relief. "And her boyfriend, Emerson, where is he?" I asked.

 The doctor walked over to a curtain and opened it. Lying on the bed was Emerson hooked up to just about every machine you could think of.

Remington walked into the room, and his eyes went directly to Emerson. He breathed heavily, and his eyes brimmed with tears. I walked up to him, and hugged him tightly. "What happened?" Remington asked, trying not to show too much emotion. The doctor explained the car accident, then explained that Emerson had a brain contusion. 

We eventually called everyone and told them what happened. An hour or so later, we had the whole tour in the hospital. 

The tour got postponed for a while, and Remington and I spent a week straight in that hospital with them. After a few days, Victoria woke up, and was recovering quickly. 


(Victoria's POV)

I slowly opened my eyes, and gasped for air.

 "Where am I?" I yelled. I saw Evey and Remington asleep on the chair next to my bed. 

"Evey!" I yelled to wake her up.

 She slowly woke up and looked at me surprised. "Oh my god." She whispered before standing up and hugging me.

 I hugged her, then lied back down. I then had the sudden realization that I had no clue where Emerson is.

 "W-where is Emerson?" I asked softly. 

Evey pointed to the bed next to me, and I turned slowly. My eyes widened with terror, and I sneaked out of the bed I was in.

 I stood up weakly and inched over to Emerson's still body. "Emerson?" I whispered holding his face. I watched my tears fall on his face, and I knelt next to the bed to lie my head on his chest.

 "Is he going to be okay?" I sobbed.

 Evey shrugged and looked at me.

 "Well what happened to him?" I started to get loud while crying, and Evey put her hand on my shoulder and knelt next to me.

 "He has a brain contusion, and he is now in a coma." She said calmly.

 I stared at her blankly, then back at Emerson. I shook my head and let tears fall on my feet. 

"No. This cannot be real." I said quietly.

 I cried a bit harder and yelled. "Please this has to be one of my dreams!"

 I yelled and sobbed, slamming my fists down on the bed causing Emerson's still body to shake.

I looked at him, on the cusp of crying. 

I pushed him to the side a bit, and crawled into the bed with him.

 I held his face, "Emerson baby, please... Please don't leave me." I whispered, as I sniffled and hiccuped.

I sighed, and lied down next to him. I wrapped my arms around him, and fell asleep on his bare chest.

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