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I opened my eyes, and everything was blurry. I tried to breathe in air, only to find myself choking on salty water. 

I realized I was underwater, and swam to the surface frantically. Once my head broke the water, I gasped for air. 

I looked around confused, why in the fuck am I in the ocean? I could see faint flashes of light coming from ahead of me, so I swam towards it. 

As I got closer, the colorful blur became a pier. I swam to the shore, and got out of the freezing water. I shivered, and sighed. Right now would be a great time for Emerson's jacket.

I walked around in the sand and found a staircase leading up to the pier. I climbed what felt like 80 flights of stairs, and noticed the pier was like a ghost town. 

"Is anyone up here?" I yelled. No answer. 

I found a bench near the end of pier and sat down. I stared at the dark blue water below me. I felt a hand touch my shoulder and I jumped slightly. It was Emerson. 

He smiled at me, then sat next to me. "Victoria, can I tell you something?" He asked, putting his hand on my leg.

"You can tell me anything." I said looking at him.

 He stood up in front of me, then kissed me. "I love you." He said, before he walked to the railing, then dove into the dark water. 

"Emerson!" I yelled as I ran up to the rail. He didn't come up. "Fuck." I yelled. I climbed on top of the railing and dove after him.

After swimming and searching the dark water, I finally found him. I pulled him up to the surface, and put my ear to his chest to listen for a pulse. Nothing. 

My eyes filled with tears, and I held his face. "Emerson, please wake up." I whispered.

A maniacal laughter came from behind me. I turned around to find a masked man behind me. "Why would you murder the love of your life? Pushed him off the pier and drowned him. So, so, sad." The man said sarcastically. 

I hugged Emerson's lifeless body, holding him close to me. "No. No! I would never hurt Emerson. I love him." I yelled, crying over Emerson. 

The man laughed and moved closer to me. "You killed the love of your life, you're everything. You're a fucking monster." He said before disappearing into nothingness.


I could hear a faint beeping sound, and slowly opened my eyes. It was bright in the room, and I could feel someone was holding on to my hand. 

I turned my head, to find Emerson all puffy faced from crying, asleep in a chair next to me. No one else was in the room.

 He looks so peaceful when he sleeps. I reached over, and pushed his hair back. I smiled, and closed my eyes to fall back asleep.


A few days later, after finding out I had a concussion, I stayed the night with Emerson in the bus most of the week.
"No more merch table for you." Emerson said jokingly. 

I shook my head. "No more psycho girls from Twitter for you." I said back, kissing him.

 He kissed me back, and stared at me. He smiled and closed his eyes.

 "What?" I asked looking at him. He smiled and pushed my hair from my eyes. 

"I am so lucky to have you. I love you so much. It makes me happy, you make me happy." He said before kissing me.

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