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Waking with a groan, Hiccup takes in his surroundings. He's in a cell. Again.

"Please! Let me out! I need a heale-" Once again, his words are cut off by a scream, bringing the pain back.

"Guys, he's awake!" The shouts of Vikings fill his already pounding head.

"Healer!" Hiccup manages to muster out one word before passing out again, his vibrant green eyes rolling back into his head.

Astrid begins barking orders. "Gothi! Someone get Gothi! Fishlegs, get that bucket of water! Snotlout, stop flirting with me!"

Grinning, Snotlout acts much too full of himself for Astrids liking. "You know you can't resist me, babe. I'll get you one day." Astrid knees him in the gut, and the male Viking grains while falling over.


"Think again, honey." Astrid states, with sarcasm dropping off her words like venom.

"Astrid, Gothi is here!"

"Um, Astrid?"

"What do you need, Fishlegs?" Astrid roars at the quivering boy.

"I, um, got the water." Astrid brushes him off.

"We don't need that anymore. Someone said Gothi was here?"

"Yes, ma'am!"

"Cut the act, muttonheads. Gothi, you have to help Dragon Boy." The twins smirk at Astrids insult, and Gothi nods in understanding of what she is to do. She enters the cage, and lifts up the shirt. Gasping, she turns and runs. Everyone stares at where Gothi had been, not knowing the old woman could run so quickly. She came back in a few moments, carrying various herbs and medicines. She takes off the shirt completely, shocking everyone again. He has even more scars than last time, and one place on his side is pulsing with what seems to be poison. The roar from another cage startles them all out of their stunned state. Dragon Boys pet was whining in pain as he saw what the strangers condition was like. The only reason the Vikings hadn't harmed it yet was because of Astrid. She reminded them that Dragon Boy would get quite angry if his creature was hurt. Turing her attention back to Gothi, Astrid watches as the healers hands are nearly invisible, due to the speed at which she moves. When she finally finishes, she writes something in the dirt. Gobber comes up and translates for us.

"She says not to disturb him, and that he will get better if we make sure that the bandage doesn't come off."


Seven days later, wakes up. Realizing that he is still alive, he rejoices.

"I'm not dead!" At the roar, two things happen. First, Astrid comes running over to Hiccup, her face laced with relief. Second, Toothless jumps up and prances around at the recovery of his friend.

"Dragon Boy! You're alive!"

"Hiccup! I told you we should have stayed away from that stupid Drago!"

"I know Bud, I know." Hiccup turns to face the Viking in front of his cage.

"You can speak sort of normally!"

"I've been practicing. Will you let me out?"

"Sorry, chief says we can't. Oh, and by the way, you're having another trial. This afternoon."

"Really? What did I do this time?"

"Let me see... First, you flew off after having agreed to stay here. Second, I don't know. Chief just doesn't like you very much."

The Dragon Boy: A HTTYD FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now