"Leave him. Even if he is found, it won't change anything." The group left Owen's body behind, while dragging the unconscious Jack.


"Hey , Sargent! Sarge! Hey, Over here!"

"I'm neither blind nor deaf, Tanner. I can hear you fine." Otome said, as she exited the train with the others. Her squad was waiting around the station for her return from Calamari County. The sun was setting, and the twilight gave a calm glow to the surrounding buildings. Since they had their fill of trains for the day, the group had decided to head to the plaza on foot, rather than take the tram.

"Well, It's too late for me to head back to Eden." Drake sighed, as the one hour trip would be impossible to make before nightfall. "And I feel bad for Callie and Marie having to make room for me at the studio."

"It's no trouble!" Callie cut in. "W-we love having you."

"This might be a problem, though. They are remodeling the non-essential rooms at the studio right now, and won't be done for the next few days," Marie said. "Any ideas on where he can sleep for the night?"

"W-we have a spare bedroom at our apartment," Callie said with a red face, as Marie gave her a stunned look, due the the fact that she would even have the nerve to suggest such a thing.

"Actually, it might be best if he stays with us," Otome cut in. "He can sleep in the living room with Tanner, and I could use somebody to keep an eye on him."

"Give me a break, Sarge!"

"I appreciate the offer, Callie, but going with the Octolings might be for the best," Drake responded.

"O-oh, okay," Callie said with a dejected look. Marie continued to stare, while wondering how serious Callie was.

"Now that his situation is squared away, you guys know a good place to get some grub? Certain squad members have been whining about food for a while now," Kelly said, while giving Tanner a sharp look.

"Why don't we hit the plaza cafe? We're headed in that direction anyway," Levin said.

"You probably just want to eat cake," Shara responded, and Levin just shrugged. "Besides, that place is expensive, and I don't think they take Octarian currency."

"Actually, Octurus gave us a hefty budget of Inkling money. And since we are using Briki's apartment, we have plenty to spare. Splurging once or twice won't hurt us," Otome said.

"And I want to try a Cake, too!" Yako chimed in.

"Any objections on the cafe?" Kelly asked, and nobody spoke up. "Good. Well, lead the way, handsome." Levin puffed out his chest and took the lead, while Neptune said something along the lines of, "Big brother's being a dog fish, again".

The group entered the plaza, and Callie handed Drake some money. "We have to start our evening broadcast, so we can't eat with you guys. This should cover your dinner. Just promise me that you will hang out with us tomorrow."

"Sure thing, Callie. I should be able to spare some time before I have to head back to E- I mean leave the city." The squid sisters left for the studio, and Briki spotted Starheart by the transport lobby.

"Hey, guys. Star wanted to take me into a turf war. Can you order something for me?" Briki asked.

"Alright, but be careful, Private. Remember this is Inkling territory," Otome responded. Briki ran off towards the lobby, and the rest of the group followed the agents into the Cafe. Drake and the Octolings were lost at the menu, which was written in Inkling.

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