2.5 - Culture Shock

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The next morning, Callie was stretching out while glancing at the other girls. Both the squids and the Octoling were still asleep, but this was normal for squids. Callie, being the morning person that she was, crept out of the room, and headed towards the staff lounge. Upon entering the empty room, she went over to the pantry. 'I wonder what I should make them for breakfast,' she thought to herself. Callie had planned to win over Otome and get closer to Drake by waking them with a home cooked meal. 'Hmm, I wonder if waffles would work?' As if on cue, the lounge door opened, and Drake walked in.

"O-oh! Good morning, Drake," said Callie.

"Morning," he responded, and sat down with his head buried in his palm.

"Are you okay? You don't look so good," Callie asked.

"I guess so. I let the boys play some video games, and we ended up staying up way too late."

"What? No way! I want to play too! I Love video games, and I only got to play a human game once!" Callie's face lit up with excitement. Drake looked up in confusion.

"Wait, you've played one of our games?"

"Yeah, we dug up a few of your game players that still worked. That's how we managed to learn how to make our own. The one I played had this brick shaped controller, and-" Suddenly, Callie's eyes widened. "Drake, what's wrong with your face!?"

Confused, Drake rubbed his hands to his face, to try and pinpoint what was making her so worried. "What's wrong?" He asked.

"There's something growing out of it!" Callie responded. Drake now understood what was going on.

"Ah, don't worry. It's just facial hair. I haven't shaved in a while."

"You have that stuff on your face, too?"

"Some people like beards, but I find them to be both ugly and distracting. Good thing I brought my blade with me. Excuse me for a minute." Drake went into the bathroom to clean himself up. Callie walked over and shouted through the door.

"Hey! I'm making breakfast! Do you like waffles?"

"Sure!" He shouted back in response. "I love- wait, Inklings have waffles?"

"Yep! Though, it might be different than the human version. I don't know what kind of ingredients you use."

"Well, I'm game. It will be nice to eat something besides rations from the Eden facility." This motivated Callie to cook the best breakfast she could. Now only one question remained.

"Do you think Otome would like it?" She asked.

"Well, she did mention something about not liking Octarian food. I don't know what she is used to, but she loved the produce I gave her, and that stuff was mediocre as hell. I don't think she will be hard to please."

"Really? That's great! Maybe tonight, we can try pizza."

"You have pizza too? I can't even remember the last time-" Drake suddenly stopped. "Wait a minute. For pizza, you need cheese. To make cheese, you need milk. And for milk, you need a cow. Since I'm pretty sure the few cows left alive are at Eden, where are you getting this key ingredient?"

"Well, I think it's better if you don't know," Callie said awkwardly, giving Drake a sense of dejavu. "But I think you'll still like-"

"AAAARRRRRGGGGG!" Callie was interrupted by a loud shout, and several pairs of rapidly approaching footsteps. The door was thrown open, and Neptune ran in, followed closely by Otome.

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