Chapter 28

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~R E C A P~

Carl crawled into the bed with me and Cuddled me till i fell asleep but i Heard footsteps and a Gun click..


I Didn't move my head at all, since I had a gun to my head I only moved My eyes. Of course it was Enid smirking at me. "He's not gonna save you now.." She whispered as she roughly grabbed me Treating me like a play toy. Carl Stirred Quickly and Enid Quickly pulled me out the door, The door slamming extremely loud enough to wake up the whole community but it only woke Carl Up. Enid Covered my mouth to Muffle My screams of fear and anger. I Bite down on her hand making her scream in pain, As i quickly got up and ran/limped back to where i was. I quickly locked the door and Moved furniture to the door so if she Unlocked the door she wouldn't be able to get in. Carl was getting his Gun getting ready to save me but i was leaning on the wall Smirking. "I'm okay, you know that right?" Carl turned around and Hugged me "She needs to Stop, I'm telling my dad to kick her out or something! She can't keep hurting you when i'm not there!" He walked over to Rick's house and opened the door waking him up and telling him what happened. Rick walked over to Enid "Pack your things, NOW! You're not going to hurt anyone in this Community EVER again!" He yelled at her making her Flinch and run off to pack her things. "Baby, You need to stop getting yourself into trouble every 5 seconds." Carl Chuckled and kissed my cheek as i gave him a Death glare. "Kidding! Kidding!" He said Raising his hands in defeat. "Mhm.." I Hummed And i looked at Enid Who was just now walking out her old house. Now Everyone in Alexandria was Awake and was Watching Enid leave. Enid Looked at me "Ya'know... I Used to like you... I Loved your Outfits.. And you seemed pretty kind, But the biggest Thing i liked about you for a person? Was your Eye color I Wished i had that instead of this ugly eye color.. But..Now.. You'll Understand what i have to feel now... Being Lost... Unable to find out what's gonna happen next.." She'd look at Carl and Everyone around the Streets and Smirked. "But Now.. You'll have the 'Ugly' Eye color I've always had.. But with a Twist..." She Quickly pulled out her Gun, Since it was such a Fast Pull out with the gun i Had no idea what was happening and i suddenly Feel Extreme pain in my Eye.... And i look up And Everyone Screamed or Gasped Or Cried. "C..Carl?" I manage to Say and i fall to the ground as blackness Over takes me.  I Feel someone Pick me up and Then a Gunshot. I'm Gonna die... I'm Gonna Die.. Carl, I'm Sorry Forgive me for being stupid i should've walked away... I Feel someone's hand in mine and Crying but it feels like i can Hear Every little sounds but can't see anything, Well Obviously.. I Suddenly see Everyone i care/Cared about Looking at me in Disgust. "Ew! Look at her eye! it's so ugly, Why not kill her now?" Carol said Laughing Insanely. I Then see Glenn And Maggie Step up with Evil grins. Then everyone Shouted "KILL HER!" and i don't see anything else but a gun.

Secondary POV

Carl Was sitting next to y/n's Pale Body, It looked like so was A Ghost with battle scars. Carl Would not stop trying, Fearing the worse... Losing Her.. Losing y/n By a Low life Basic Girl who's hormones go out of control. He didn't want to lose y/n by anything, Gunshot, Walkers, Fights, Bombs, Anything you can imagine that is dangerous. Rick,Daryl, Glenn, And Maggie came in the hospital room. Maggie and Glenn Were Crying their eyes out while Maggie Covered her face in Glenn's Chest. Everyone Had the Thought  "One small Hormonal Teen Did all this Damage For Such a Innocent Girl.. Imagine what Adults can do...?" Those thoughts got them Even more Scared. They wondered Who would Hurt anyone in the group..? Who is Secretly Hunting each and everyone of them down..? Was there Even anyone Hunting them Down or was their Fear Getting the best of them...?

Hey! Hope you Liked the Chapter... Didn't Think that would happen to y/n did ya..? 😂 Well, Enid is Dead Now don't get me wrong, I Actually think Enid is a Great Character for the TV Show! But in my story i wanted her to be the bad guy. Who's Supposedly "following" them? Is there even anyone following them or is it there Imagination? Was Enid Apart of a Different group or was she Alone just like the Others? Well i guess you'll have to find that out! ;) Love you guys thank you for reading!! <3

~Katie 🎀

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