Chapter 22

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*Sorry for the inactivity, i was sick today and i forgot i had homework so i'm kinda doing that now heh.. *Nervous laughter* So this chapter is going to be Short sadly... BUT THANK YOU FOR 1.1K READS XD I'M SO HAPPY AHH*

Daryl's POV

I Looked for Maggie Once i got there and Saw her Sitting on the Bench Alone.. I Feel bad for her.. "Maggie!" i Said Running up to her. She lifted her head up and looked at me. "Yes...?" She said Looking at the Fire on the Campfire. "I..-" As i was Trying to Finish my Sentence I Heard Bushes Start shaking. I Grabbed my Crossbow and Aimed at the Bush. I Moved the leaves Aside and Saw...GLENN!? [It was obvious but whatever xD] Glenn Aimed his Peacemaker at me, But when he saw me he lowered it. "Maggie's over ther-" I Didn't even finish my sentence and he ran over to Maggie, Hugging her Tightly and giving her a peck on the lips. I Sighed and Looked at Maggie, She nodded her head saying 'Thank you' And I Nodded back and Walked away...  I Saw Y/N Holding hands with Carl while they slept In their tent, They forgot to close the flap so i closed it for them and Sat on a log near the Camp fire. Carol Walked up to me and placed a hand over my Shoulder. "You wanna tell her now..." She asked looking over at Maggie. I Nodded and walked toward Maggie "Er.. Maggie?" I Said And she turned around looking at me. "Hey Daryl! What's up?" She asked. "I got some Good News Or maybe it's bad news since time has changed and- Whatever i'll just tell you.. Um We think we know what Hospital Beth's In.." I Said Looking at Carol. Maggie Started Smiling and Cried happy tears. "She's Alive!" She'd laughed and Glenn Walked over, And hugged Maggie. "Thank you So much..." She said Hugging me. I Was Taken back by the um.. Sudden Impact But i slowly started to Hug her back. "Yer Welcome.." I Said and Pulled away from the hug and Walked away grabbing My crossbow.. Beth's Alive! Or Is She... Maybe We won't see her again... I'm not Letting that Happen..

HEY GUYS! SORRY THIS IS SO SHORT ;-;. I made Glenn so obvious lol and i'm gonna add some twists and turns that do go completely like the show So Don't think Something happened in the show might Happen here there is like a 50 % Or 25 % Chance Out of 150% That i might Make it Exactly like on episode! Alright thanks for reading this long A/N XD THANKS FOR READING THIS AND I'LL MAKE SOME CARL AND Y/N FLUFF [Isn't fluff like cute moments or whatever cuz i read lots of *COUGH* Tyler Joseph * COUGH* and *COUGH* Josh Dun * COUGH Fluffs So Please tell meh if i'm right and If im not Let me know what it is please xD! Love you guys *MAWH* <3

~Katie ❤❣

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