"baby, do you have any Calvin's?" he asked me , turning to look at me.

"yeah there" i told him pointing at my undergarments , drawer.

he walked to it and opened it , he took in a deep breath , before grabbing what he wanted. he threw the clothes at my face.

"wow , what a gentlemen move." i told him sarcastically , he chuckled and kissed my forehead.

"sorry babe" he smiled. i nodded walking to my bathroom changing. i put on what jack gave me , then i grabbed my long black hair. and put it in a messy bun. i walked out , to face jack. he smiled.

"jack remember , she doesn't know shawn is coming" i told him, he nodded.

i heard the bell and went to get it , i opened the door to face , Rylee.

"hi" i told her smiling

"hey , how are you?" she asked me smiling walking in.

"great you?" i asked her.

"great " she smiled , i hugged her. just then jack walked out.

"hi Rylee" he smiled , hugging her.

"hi jack" she smiled.

"lets go inside" i told them , they nodded following me.

me jack sat facing Rylee , while she had her back facing the door.

we were talking about random stuff until my phone rang , 'PeterRaul🔥😍'

" excuse me" i told them , walking out of the room.

"Hey" i answered.

"hey hun , i got a early flight , and i landed. I'm going to be at yours in a few" he told me.

"alright , but Shawn. remember the girl i told you about?" i asked him

"who the one you ship me with?" he chuckled.

"yea , her. she's at mine now. so you have my keys , just barge in and surprise her" i told him.

"okay i will hun." he told me.

"alright , see you"i told him.

"bye hun" he told me hanging up. i walked back into the room.

"who was that?" Jack asked me , i glared at him.

"my um mom , she was asking me about my job" i told him, smiling.

"okay" he said.

"so , can i ask you guys a question ?" Rylee asked. i nodded

"are you two like dating?" she asked me , i looked at jack.

"yeah we are" jack smiled , intertwining our fingers.

i heard the door open , and foot steps head in. until shawn appeared.

"hey guys" he said , i looked at Rylee her eyes widened.

"hey Lil i missed you" shawn said walking up to me hugging me.

"missed you too" i answered him. he bro hugged jack. then turned to Rylee.

"hey Rylee" shawn said walking up to her , she got up smiling.

"h-hey s-h-shawn" she stated , he hugged her. then turned to me.

"lily, can i talk to you?" he asked me , i nodded he grabbed my hand. dragging me out with him.

"what?" i asked him

"she's perfect" he told me , i smiled.

" i know , she's so pretty , nice and really kind hearted" i told him. he nodded.

"great now lets go" he told me. we walked back into the room.

"lets watch a movie." i told them 

"yeah" jack answered.

"jack you and shawn put the movie in while i go make the popcorn" i told them , Rylee got up and followed me.

"thank you" she told me , i looked at her

"for what?" i asked her, confused.'

"letting me meet shawn " she smiled. awe

"its fine , would you ever date him?" i asked her , putting the popcorn in the microwave , tapping my foot on the floor impatiently.

"of course , he's everything. he's nice and kindhearted , he's perfect." she smiled. i nodded.

" i see" i smiled at her.

"why'd you ask me that?" she asked me confused

"nothing , just that he likes you" i told her , after i realised what i just said , i covered my mouth.

"he does?" she asked blushing.

"crap , look Ry i wasn't supposed to tell you. so just act like you don't know" i told her , she nodded. i grabbed the popcorn out of the microwave , and put it into a bowl.

we walked into the living room to see the guys sitting on the floor with blankets all over , and the screen paused on the title of the movie , mine and Rylee's eyes widened at the name

'the evil dead' it read. 

"come on guys " jack said , we walked up to them.I sat next to jack , while Rylee was next to me and Shawn. jack wrapped his arm around me , as he pressed play.



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