Chapter 1: Bad News

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"She is coming back." Mom's voice enter my ear's as I walk down the stairs. I see her talking to Brooklyn, who is sitting at the table chewing an apple like a cow.

"Mom who is coming back?" I ask sliding next to Brooklyn

"Aunty Zoe along with her son." Brook utters, chewing the apple.

my mouth hung open, my own saliva chokes my throat.

"I am supper excited! I have many plans for her. I will see you guys later, work comes first. Love you both, take care." She says grabbing her jacket from the top of the chair and leaves.

"Gosh! You must be kidding me, today isn't first April. Why are you guy's making a fool outta me?" I groan.

"Let me surprise you Caty, they are on their way to Boston." He winks... as if Christmas has come early.

"Say it again and you are dead." I threaten him.

"Caty! Caty! Caty!" He mocks grabbing his bag and running out of the house. I run after him but to my dismay he is much faster than me. Perk of being an athlete.

Brooklyn, a self absorbed, bad boy. My other half, and the second most irritating person in the whole world. We are not identical, its just like chalk and cheese. Our choices are completely different, Only similarities are our birthdays, our age and our love for each other.

"I will kill you." I chase him. Ugh! I am running short of breath.

"We are getting late for the school, we have to catch the bus, do you want to be late for the first day after holidays....Caty?" Brook shouts as he starts slowing down,"C'mon don't run like a minion, be fast, we need to catch the bus."

"Huh Brook how many classes we have together today?" I ask panting and sweating as we finally reach the bus stop. There is not even a drop of sweat on his body, whereas I feel like coming out of pool.

"Only one!" Brook  answers.

"Ahh! Thank god." I say with a grin.

"Haha! You are jealous Caty, agree that you don't want your friends to stare at me." Brook laughs. I hit his arm playfully."Ouch! That hurts." He squeals, giving me a gentle shove.

Brook is the best brother. He understands me more than any one else. He know's what I want to say or what I am thinking about; maybe that's a perk of having a twin.

We are non-Identical twins but according to some people we have similar features like the same sculpted nose; but definitely not the same eyes; I have a better pair.

"Bus will be here within a minute." I say, checking the time.

"Did I ask?" He raises his eyebrows.
"Ohh shut up" I roll my eyes.

"Blake!" Emma comes running towards me, she pulls me into a hug as I step out of the bus.

"Emma I missed you damn so-o-o-o much." I say hugging her back.

"Will see you later," I wave at Brook.

"Your brother is..." She says staring at him. "Don't tell me you are drooling over him, he is not good for you."

Brook joins his cool group. His group has everyone I hate. Jocks, sluts and many self consumed and dramatic people; who probably will spend their whole life thinking about make up, Ferraris and boyfriends....

"You gonna tell me how your vacations went." I say punching her shoulder playfully.

"Yeah I have to." She laughs.

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