"Bitches these days..."


It was going on 4:15 pm and I was headed to work. Abby was right behind me following along.

"When can you get a car?" She asked.

"When I get enough money."

"How much money do you have now?"

"10 bucks."

"Oh." She said and kicked rocks as we walked.

About 3 minutes later we finally arrived at our destination.

I opened the restaurant doors to the smell of Mac and cheese.

"Mmmm. Mac and cheese." I said putting on my apron.

"Mhm. Straight out the oven." Ms. Evelyn said and put it on the counter.

She started making the kool-aid.

"So how is Ace?" I asked.

"Oh. He is doing pretty well. But AJ is still at the hospital." Ms. E answered.

"Who is AJ? If you don't mind me asking."

"His son." She poured hella sugar in the kool-aid.

"Ohhhh." I said.

She went to take a customers order.

I was washing the stacks of dishes as the pain in my stomach started to come back. I took a deep breath and tried to contain my facial expressions.

Ms. Evelyn came back into the kitchen.

"Ms. E can I ask you something?"


I been at this hospital for 2 days now hoping that my son gets better. He has a rare case of the flu.

My phone rang. I look and saw it was Darwin.

"Talk to me." I said with a little bit of frustration in my voice.

"Man Pepper got robbed making a drug run."

I sighed. "What was stolen?" I said rubbing my temple.

"Her gun, 2 pounds of weed, and 850 dollars."

I clenched my jaw. "You know what? Right now I don't give a fuck. Just make sure she good." I hung up my phone and placed it back into my pocket.

The door opened and I saw that it was Lizzy or Lauren I can't remember.

"Oh wassup." I kinda whispered because AJ was moving in his sleep getting ready to wake up.

"Hi. Ms. Evelyn told me to bring you this plate of food." She said and handed me a warm plate of soul food.

"Appreciate it." I said.

She stood at the doorway playing with her hands.

"Uh you can have a seat if you want." I said while pointing to the seat next to me.

She sat down. "So this is your son?"

"Yup." I said munching on the Mac and cheese.

"Aw. How old is he?"


"Ohh." She said.

"Listen, I know you don't know me that well but I really need your help with something." She paused. "I need some money to get an abortion. I asked Ms.Evelyn and she told me to ask you. So here I am asking you."

I stared at her for a second. "Okay."

I reached into my back pocket and pulled out a wad of cash with a rubber band around it. I tossed it too her.

"It's about 600 in there."

"It only cost 300." She said.

"It's good shawty keep it."

"Thank you so-" Lauren couldn't finish her sentence because Tisha ass busted through the door talking on the phone.

"Girl yes- hold on Vandesha, imma have to call yo ass back." Tisha hung up her phone and cut her eyes at Lauren.

"Hi I'm Lauren."

"And bitch I'm his baby mama."

"Bitch?- Oh okay nice to meet you." Lauren said politely but I could see the anger in her eyes.

"Ace who is this trick."

"Tisha don't start, please don't fucking start." I said trying to remain calm.

"I gotta get going. Thanks again Ace." Lauren said and left out the room.

"Why the hell that bitch got a handful of money in her hands! I know damn well-"

I stood up and placed my hands around Tisha's neck.

"Stop it. Don't say nothing else to me while we here. It's probably your damn fault why my son in this fucking hospital. Now all I want to do is sit in silence. I don't want to hear your loud ass mouth anymore." I let go of her neck.

She started coughing and rubbing the spot where I grabbed her neck.

"Damn Ace." She said.

"Don't play with me then."

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