~Chapter Twenty-Five~

Start from the beginning

After we park, I shakily open my door. Placing my feet firmly on the ground, I look up over at the building.

I tightly grip the trucks door handle, my hand turning white.


It'll be fine.

Shutting the door behind me, I follow Lucy in through the entrance.

I take a seat in the waiting room as Lucy goes over to the receptionist, my posture stiff as a board. A minute passes and she comes over, taking a seat beside me.

I fold my arms across my chest, having to resist the urge to bring my legs up also. I stare over at the clock that's hanging on the wall, watching as each second ticks by.


Sweat trickles down my forehead, and I quickly reach a hand up to wipe it away.

Someone touches my arm, and I jump in surprise, swinging my gaze over towards where I felt it.

Lucy's looking at me with mildly concerned eyes, and I watch as they glance down at my feet.

I look down also, only to see my foot rapidly tapping the ground again.

I stop it.

I look back up at Lucy, who has her mouth open to say something. But before she can say anything, a nurse walks out of the hallway.

She quickly glances down at her clipboard before looking back up. "Alex Rider." She calls out, her eyes landing on us.

My heart skips a beat.

Lucy stands up, looking back at me.

  I slowly stand up, noticing I'm stiff as a board. Well, so much for looking calm.

I follow Lucy and the nurse down the hallway, stuffing my hands in my pockets. They stop beside the exact same room we were in for Mack's broken leg.

I wonder if there's a reason for that?

The nurse motions us in. "The doctor will be with you in a moment." She gives us a smile, then leaves.

Going in, I take in all the same details as before.

I take a seat on the examination bed that's in the middle of the room, Lucy sitting on one of the chairs in the corner.

I swing my dangling feet around, wrapping my arms back around myself.

"Alex." I look over at Lucy as she calls my name.

"You know if your not comfortable with me in here, I can leave." Lucy tells me with slight hesitation.

My heart speeds up, and I realize something.

I'd rather she didn't leave.

I know her better than I know doctor Quinn, and I'd probably end up being more of a mess if she wasn't here.

I give Lucy a shy smile. "I-I want you to stay." I quietly say, looking away from her.

  I hear the smile in her voice. "Alright." She answers just as quietly.

I feel gratitude run through me, my heart warming.

Yes, it's time they knew everything.

And I'm finally ready to tell them.....Well, as ready as I'll ever be.

And even if they end up wanting me to pack up and leave after I tell them. I'll at least have this off my conscience. They deserve to know.

After The End: Alex Rider FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now