"I told you that my mother died in a fire right?" I questioned, trying to remember the story I had given. He nodded but stayed quiet. "Well that part is true but the fire wasn't on accident….something killed her in my brothers nursery that night and I was there to see it…..I don't even know how I remember it, I was two, but I do, I remember it like it happened last night." I licked my lips as I thought about how to tell the story. "It stood over his crib and my mother walked in, I had been sleeping with her in her room for whatever reason and when she left to check on Sam I followed her…..It had these yellow eyes and i-it shoved her against the wall and pinned her to the ceiling-" I cut my own self off as the memory unfolded behind my eyelids and it was then I even realized I had closed them.


"No, let me finish." I took a deep shuddering breath. "It set her on fire over my baby brothers crib. I don't remember what else happened that night but I remember her face, I remember my father yelling her name and…" I shook my head. "My dreams aren't of her dying. They're of me dying." Surprisingly I wasn't crying, shocker considering the fact that everything else made my eyes flow like waterfalls.

"You think the thing that killed your mother is going to try and kill you?" He asked after a few minuets, letting me collect my thoughts. I nodded, hand over my stomach. "Addi that's not going to happen." He said it but I could tell it was more for my benefit then anything else.

"We'll find out I guess." I said. The two of us were interrupted by someone knocking on the door. Sam poked his head with an apologetic look on his face. He was about to say something but the door was pushed open and Dean moved past him without a word. Sam gave his back a look before rolling his eyes and coming inside himself, shutting the door behind him.

"Thanks for telling us she was awake." Dean said, sitting down the chair that was on the other side of the bed. Sam came over and sat near my feet. Spencer looked like he was going to say something but I shook my head at him.

"We needed to talk." I directed to Dean.

"No we need to talk." He replied.


"Well we could talk about how your boyfriend came back to life will little to no injuries." He said it like it was a dirty phrase.

"Unless you know more then me there's not much to talk about." I said. I did find it a little unsettling that he came back to life but at the same time I didn't want to question it.

"Well what about the Demon? Did it say anything?" Sam asked, coming across a lot more put together then Dean.

"No…." I looked to Spencer. "Did it say or show you anything?" I asked.

"It wanted you to exorcise it." He said, "that's why it wrote the rest of it down for you."

"Why though?" Dean asked. I didn't like how he was looking at Spencer but I didn't say anything about it. I knew that Spencer wouldn't take it personally, he normally didn't get ques like that.

"It wanted me to die." I looked between him and my brothers. I didn't like the sound of that but we already knew they wanted to kill him. If they hadn't they wouldn't have shot him in the first place, at least I don't think so.

"Did it say anything else?" Sam asked. Spencer shook his head. I could tell he didn't like not knowing so I pulled his head in mine to try and make him feel a little better.

"Why the hell is your heart beating so damn fast?" Dean asked. That was the first time I noticed the sound that resembled galloping horses. I don't know how I didn't hear it before, well it wasn't really that loud and I had been pretty caught up in Spencer and I's conversation. I looked to him for answers because I didn't know. I felt fine.

"It's the baby's heartbeat." He said, gripping onto my hand tighter but it was to reassure me this time. Dean looked to Sam but I couldn't see his face. "The doctors were worried after she passed out." He explained, he was about to go into detail but Dean started talking again.

"Why is the kid's heart beating so fast then? Wait," he held his hand up when Spencer opened his mouth, "don't answer that." I chewed on the inside of my lip to keep myself from snapping at Dean. I didn't like the way he was talking to Spencer.

"Smaller mammals tend to have faster heartbeats." Sam said, causing Dean's attention to turn towards him.

"Why do you know that man?" Sam shrugged and I smiled at him. Spencer nodded to Sam in approval and I felt my smile widen. "Am I the only one freaked out about the fact that freaking Einstein here came back to life, not once, but twice?" He exclaimed. "Demons don't heal their clothes on the way out." He looked between the three of us.

"I don't know what you want Dean, do you want to freak out? I really don't want to question it. Whatever it is I would like to think it's on our side." I looked from him to Spencer, wanting to know how they wanted me to react. I couldn't make myself feel upset about it, in fact I really wanted to smile and not question it, scared that if I asked to many questions that whatever brought him back to life would come back and take it all away, take him away. "And why is this still happening? I got rid of it. It's over now. Right?"

"We can't take any chases. Just because you kicked it out of pretty boy here doesn't mean it went back to hell where it belongs." Dean said, clasping his hands together and setting them on the bed. I frowned at him and my hand tightened around Spencer' s even harder then it was before. I knew he was right but I didn't want him to be. I just wanted to go home with Spencer and go back into our supernatural free bubble and the only thing we needed to worry about were crazy human killers. I'd take them over monsters any day. The only thing you need to kill a human is a gun and we have plenty of those.

"How do you kill one?" Spencer asked, "demon I mean." He added. The question was directed to Dean. I guess my wrong assumption about this being over made Spencer believe Dean knew more. He might, not like him and I have talked shop in the last five years.

"You don't. You send their asses back to hell." Spencer frowned, not liking the fact that Dean couldn't get him a for sure answer, things like that tended to bug him.

"Then how do we do that? If the exorcism she used didn't work what then what will?" Dean thought about it before shrugging. "You don't know?" I squeezed his hand and gave him a look. He was still pretty upset about everything that was happening and Dean was not the person he wanted to be snapping at. I didn't know what they had talked about when I was out but judging by Dean's tone when he came into the room told me it wasn't good.

"Hunting is not a science." Dean told him in a short tone. I shook my head at Spencer from saying anything. I needed to know Dean's feelings about him before I let anything other then small talk go on between them. I trusted Sam not to start anything but Dean….? I would rather not leave them alone until I felt better.

"Do you know why it wanted to kill you?" Sam cut in, taking the conversation around another corner. Spencer was successfully distracted and Dean was looking at me with a face that I would rather not have to look at. Spencer thought about it for a few minuets before he answered, I could tell that he was trying to sift through his memories of everything that's happened.

"No, it just wanted me to die." He shook his head but more like he did whenever he had a headache, like he was shaking out the pain. "That's all it was thinking about." I didn't like the sound of that, I didn't like the idea of having to go home without him, I didn't like the thought of having to raise this baby without him. He must have seen the fear on my face because he smiled at me. "I'm fine." He assured.

"This is another reason I never told you, now you're in danger."

"Lets save the heart to heart for when this is all over." Dean clapped his hands together again, taking out attention for one another. I narrowed my eyes at him and he smirked.

Addison Winchester (Now Completed)Where stories live. Discover now