Chapter 4

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Suddenly a doctor rushed into the room, he look surprised. He yelled something but I couldn't quit here it and then a whole bunch of nurses rushed into the room . Then I could here him very clearly and all of the nurses running around checking the things around me while the doctor ask them a whole bunch of questions. Then it was my turn. He started asking a whole bunch of questions.

He asked "whats your name "obvious answer.

I awnsered " Taylor". He asked more questions like where do I live, how old I am and so on. Then he left and came back a couple minutes later making sure I was still awake. He was pretty old, about 40 or 50. He had brown hair with speckles of grey and blue eyes. He seemed very cautious over me. Then my mom walked into the room.

"Hey honey how are you?" She asked very concerned.

"I'm doing better."

"Everyone's been asking about you. Oliver's been out there since you've been in the hospital, he's waited there day and night I finally had to convince him to go home and take a shower."

"Really he's been here?"

"Yep he hasn't left the doctors alone, anyways I'm gonna let other people get to talk to you before you pass out, love you"

"love you too"

After that it was a whole bunch of visitors like my aunts , uncles, cousins, grandma ect. and they all started asking the same questions like "if I was ok and how I was holding up" they all brang balloons, cards and flowers. I was kinda done with everyone coming in and interrupting me while I was trying to get some sleep. Then Oliver came in with flowers and a balloon.

"Hey" he said. I missed the sound of his voice. It sounds different right now. It almost sounds a little hurt.

"What's wrong" I asked very concerned, trying to sit up but my back hurt so bad. I still don't know what happened or why I'm in this hospital bed. "Ow"

He rushed over and carefully laid me back down on the bed. "I could ask the same question."

"I honestly don't know" I was still wondering what was wrong with him. "I answered your question now its your turn to answer mine."

"Well I was worried about you and they wouldn't let me in the room or tell me what happened."

"Yeah I heard you wouldn't leave the doctor alone."

"Yeah well I guess I really care about you"

"I guess you do" how can I be doing this I just found my boyfriend cheating on me I cant just start dating again like that I mean I don't think I could ever trust any guy ever again.

"Well I'm gonna let you get some sleep, bye"


After he left I slowly started to drift away and took a short nap that was interrupted by the doctor.

"I'm here to awnser some questions" he said. Oh great.

"Well just start with what happened" I awnsered.

"Ok, well you were in a very bad car crash and fortunately everyone made it through but it took you a while to wake was about 3 weeks ago. But your baby is doing ok thankfully."

"Baby???" I was very shocked thinking that he might of gotten papers mixed up.

"Oh I thought you knew. Yes you are about 3 weeks pregnant so we wont be able to tell the gender of the baby yet."

"Can I have a few minutes alone, please'"

"Of course I know this can be a hard situation considering your age" then he left.

There was a mix of emotions inside me and questions. How can I be pregnant I broke up with Jacob over a month ago and ive never been with anyone else. Then it hit me. The party. I mean Jacob had been looking at me the whole time but I wouldn't know. It literally could of been anyone.

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