June 26, 2008-Part Five

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The 20 minutes it takes for the enchiladas to cook passes before we know it, and the entire house started to smell fantastic

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The 20 minutes it takes for the enchiladas to cook passes before we know it, and the entire house started to smell fantastic.

"I think dinner's just about done." I call out to him where he's sitting in the living room tinkering around with the piano, creating some fantastic impromptu dinner music.

"Do you need any help with anything?" he replies helpfully as I hear him gently closing the piano lid and making his way to the kitchen table. "Dinner smells great, by the way..."

"I have some white wine in the cooler near the dining room table we can have with dinner," I offer as I walk in carrying the pan with our dinner, glancing in the direction of the cooler as I set everything down at the centre of the table.

I notice him make his way toward the area I indicated and eyeing my selection of wines, before moving to stand beside him, placing my hand gently on his arm as I take pride in my collection, watching him peruse the bottles.

My ex-husband was a real wine connoisseur, and he's introduced me to some of his favourites. I just recently started trying to switch it up, and have found some new favourites to add to the collection.

"1997 Chateux Petrus...you've got good taste, mama," he murmurs appreciatively, reaching inside the cooler and gently grabbing it. "I think this one will do nicely," he continues with a wink and a smile, grabbing a neighbouring corkscrew and popping the top as we make our way back to the table to enjoy our dinner.

As he takes his seat, carefully pouring our wine before setting the bottle gently down at the centre of the table, I sit down across from him and start filling my plate before passing the tongs over in his direction.

Once our plates are filled my eyes meet his, watching as he prepares to take his first bite, my nerves starting to get the best of me. I really hope he likes these...

As it turns out I needn't have worried as the smile on his face, coupled with the sparkle in his eyes speak louder than his words ever could. Even so, I couldn't help but to flush at his first words of praise. "Wow...when you told me you made a mean enchilada Harmony, you weren't kidding...."

All I offer in response is a secret smile. Allrecipes.com...you've come through for me again!


As we sit enjoying our meal in companionable silence, one thought just kept running through my mind, just begging to be asked, so with a teasing grin my mouth just runs with it as my shoe softly taps his shin. "So Joey Coco, eh?"

And with that he meets my gaze, letting a husky chuckle escape. "You never were buying that one now were you?" he replies teasingly.

"Not so much," I offer with a smile in my voice, and my eyes sparkling.

He reluctantly meets my eyes before slowly shaking his head with a bemused grin. "Damn...and I thought I was so smooth," he eventually offers with a chuckle.

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