Ch. 9 Michael, the babysitter

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"I don't want her sniffing around boys especially during night! And especially that Daniel, I don't like him!"
"I don't like him either!" Michael agreed. He didn't like all boys who could potentially be interested in his YN.
"I'm glad you agree with me. That boys is one little rebel... he's not for YN!" Michael couldn't care less if Daniel was a rebel, all he thought was, the woman he liked being touched by other men. If YFN only knew it... "Besides, she must study, boys will wait! Next thing, I don't want her going to parties with her crazy girl friends!" Michael nodded his head "Throwing parties at my house is an absolute NO. She did that once and it was a nightmare."
"So when she asks me to go out.. what do I say?"
"You ask her where she's going first! Don't let her anywhere without knowing her whereabouts. If she wants to go to the shop, that's fine! Or if she wants to go to the park with Jessica, also fine, but no parties or sleepovers at Jessica's house! You can't control those girls if they're not here!"
"I understand.."
"I must sound like a terrible father to you, but I only want what's the best for her."
"I know that, YFN, don't worry."
"I'm leaving in your hands the most precious thing that I have in the world, Michael, because I know you're responsible and I can count on you... please take good care of my daughter."
"Don't worry, I'll be with her day and night and I won't let anything bad happen, trust me, I love your daughter ver-" Michael suddenly stopped.

What the hell was he saying??!!

"She feels like a sister to me!" he hurried to finish his sentence so that it won't sound weird to YFN "I used to take care of my sisters too!"
"Thank you, I feel calm thanks to you. And one more thing... please don't let her go to the forests until they've caught the animal that killed those people."
"YFN, I wouldn't even let her go near the path that leads to the forests! I'll protect her, you have my word."
"Thank you, Michael." YFN patted Michael on his shoulder and let out a sign of relief. "Well, I guess it's time to leave." they walked in the living room to find YMN hugging YN tightly and wiping tears off her eyes.

"I've never let my baby alone before!" she sobbed.
"Mom... I'm an adult!"
"You'll always be my baby!"
"Don't worry honey, Michael's in charge of everything now. We have nothing to be worried about."

YN kept wondering what her father talked about with Michael so much? She looked at Michael.

He seemed to be a little nervous and constantly played with his shirt.

Her parents hugged YN again and said goodbye to each other. Michael and YN escorted them outside where the taxi was waiting for them, and they got in the car. Soon it disappeared into the distance and now it was only YN and Michael in the house.

Only YN and Michael.

They got inside the house after YN's parents had left.

But the house didn't seem to be the same this time.

The air was filled with awkwardness, discomfort and it was hard to breathe. Michael and YN didn't see themselves as cousins, but as a man and a woman locked up in a house alone.

"Ahm.." Michael cleared his throat "so what do you want for dinner?" he asked without looking at YN. He was trying to avoid her at all cost.
"Whatever, I don't mind really..." she, however, loved looking at him. "I'm going to my room."
"Okay." Michael was glad that she was going to go upstairs. It was better to stay away from the temptation.

After like an hour or so, someone rung the doorbell and Michael went to see who it was. He opened the door to find Jessica there. As soon as she saw him, her smile spread across her face and her eyes glistened in the darkness.

"Hi Michael.." she played with a strand of her hair.
"Hi. You probably looking for YN?"
"Yes, is she here?"
"Yeah, come in." she walked in and Michael closed the door. "She's in her room." he said and made a sign for her to go upstairs.

Jessica had one good, last look at Michael's sexy body and headed to YN's room. She couldn't control her mind imagining the things she wanted to do with Michael... That man was too damn hot and she wanted his body badly.

"Come in!" YN said when she heard someone knock at her door.
"Hi, girl!"
"Jess!" she jumped from bed and the girls hugged each other.
"So now you all alone with Michael, ha?" Jess said as they plumped on the bed.
"Yeah... he's my babysitter." she rolled her eyes and Jess laughed.
"One damn hot babysitter I must say!"
"Jess, he's my cousin!"
"But definitely not mine!" Jess giggled "Do you know if he's..." she whispered the next words " into young girls?" and winked.
"Jess! How could you say that! I don't think so, he's a grown ass man and his wife was his age!" secretly, YN was hoping he liked the way she looked, although she knew nothing between them was possible since they were siblings.
"But he's so hot I can't help it! Have you seen his hands? They're too damn big! I wonder how big his di-"
"Okay okay I don't wanna know!" YN knew damn well she wanted to know everything about Michael, but didn't want to admit it to herself. Besides, he was her cousin. It was better not to think about those things and stay away.
"But YN!"
"Did you come here to talk about Michael's genitalia, Jess?"
"No.." Jess rolled her eyes in annoyance because she had to stop the so interesting conversation about Michael's genitals. "I wanted to say something else."
"What is it?"
"Now that your parents are gone, we're gonna have more time to have fun! And I was thinking, you know.. since our lives are so boring and we rarely do anything fun..."
"Yeah?" the word 'fun' definitely got YN's attention.
"Why don't we go with the guys in the forest?"
"F-For the beast haunting thing?" YN's eyes got bigger.
"Jess are you crazy?"
"C'mon, YN! It's gonna be fun, besides, don't tell me you believe that the beast exists!"
"Phew, of course not!" YN said  but deep within her, she felt fear.
"Then what's the problem? We're gonna have some fun, go outside, have some fresh air and the best part - laugh at Daniel's face when he realizes there's no such thing as beasts!" the girls laughed, imagining Daniel humiliated.
"Now that's something that I like!"
"So what you say?"
"What about Michael? He's not gonna let me go out during night, I just know that... My dad must have forbidden him to let me out."
"Damn!" Jess started thinking. "Can't you sneak out?"
"I'm sure dad warned him about that, as well. They were whispering in the kitchen! Michael's probably keeping an eye on me all the time."
"Damn!" Jess cursed and suddenly her eyes changed. "YN.. Girl.."
"I've got a plan!"
"What? Tell me, tell me!"
"Michael will not know that you been out if he's sleeping like a baby!" she winked.
"Whatcha mean?" Jess got closer to YN's face and whispered
"My mom keeps sleeping pills in her night drawer for times when dad can't fall asleep..."
"Girl, are you crazy? We can't drug Michael!"
"We're not gonna drug him... we're just gonna help him sleep, and the next day he'll feel great!"
"Jess, I don't know.. if someone finds out, I'm dead!"
"The only people that are gonna know, are me and you. No one else. Don't you wanna go, YN? And see how Daniel fails? Don't you get it... if we're there when he fails, he'll never again bother us, because he'll know that we know what a screw up he is. Next day when we go to school and everybody asks him 'Did you find the beast?', we're gonna embarrass him in front of the whole school! As for Michael, he'll have a great sleep all night long and in the morning, will be fresher than a spring's dew." YN though about it for a minute and said

"Okay... let's do it."

The girls looked out the window and saw the growing moon.

It was soon to be full.

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