"After school, I'm taking you out. Don't forget that." Zayn glared at his clenched fists, watching Niall frown from the corner of his eye. 

"O-okay." Niall smiled hesitantly, reaching forward instinctively but before he could do anything irrational like kissing Zayn goodbye or even speaking out loud the three words that were floating around his mind everyday, he quickly regained his composure, remembering that him and Zayn were still fake dating and the said man he loved also still had a goddamn fiance. Glaring at nobody in particular, Niall created a distance between them, before turning around and walking away, leaving Zayn with his confused feelings and messed up plans while he himself couldn't figure out what the fuck he was supposed to do with their "fake relationship." 


"Do you need a ride back home?" Niall turned his attention towards the familiar voice, smiling when Kendall came into view. She was dressed super casually with a hoodie on and a pair of faded blue jeans, ripped on the knees and a bit on the thighs. Despite the rather simple clothing, she still looked gorgeous. Niall smiled, patting the empty seat by the steps down the school building where he was currently sitting. 

"Nah. Zayn said he's planning on taking me somewhere so I'm required to wait for him." The blonde rolled his eyes, wrapping his arms around Kendall's neck and bringing the female closer to him. "So how you been, beautiful?" Niall grinned, shaking Kendall up so she was rolling his eyes in displeasure. 

"I'm good but how are you?" The question made Niall's eyes widen in surprise. He quickly covered it up, smiling widely at his best friend. For all the years he had known Kendall, she had never been the type to ask him whether he was alright or not until and unless he was in a position where he tended to hide his emotions from everyone else. Niall was sure that he was doing something a bit similar to that right now as well but he just couldn't bring himself to tell Kendall or Liam or even Kylie about how much he had now come to depend on the Pakistani. He wanted Zayn around for as long as the raven haired man would have him. It was desperate and masochistic but he didn't care anymore. Yet that didn't mean he was going to loose all self respect. He was still going to be the person he actually is, he was still going to be stubborn and firm in his stance, he wasn't going to be all wrapped around Zayn's little finger. He might love the guy but he was never going to cling onto him. Whenever Zayn wanted to leave, he was more than welcome to walk outside the door. 

"I'm fine. Don't worry about me," the blonde smiled. 

"How can I not worry about my best friend?" Kendall rolled her eyes, waving briefly towards the approaching lad in his leather jacket and ripped black jeans. She sighed at the cliche bad boy outfit, patting Niall's back before getting up to give the two lovebirds some privacy. "Give yourself a chance Niall. He might just be the one." 

"But I'm not his only." Niall smiled, getting up and walking towards Zayn, aware that Kendall was eyeing him with confusion and sadness. "Let's go." The blonde ordered, taking the helmet Zayn had in his hand and walking towards his bike. The Pakistani followed silently. 

Once they were outside the school premises, Niall finally asked the question that had been lingering around his mind for a very long time.  

"Where are we going?" The blonde pressed his body further against Zayn's, his eyes getting tired and drowsy from sitting on the bike for a long time. He pressed his head against Zayn's jacket covered back, sighing when Zayn's body shook a little as he chuckled. 

"I'm taking you home to meet my parents." The Pakistani smiled, biting down the guilt and remorse he was feeling to be taking Niall home to his parents as his fake lover rather than a real one. The strangest part was that he wanted their relationship to be real and as he stopped outside the scary building of his house, he couldn't help the feeling that settled inside the pit of his stomach. 

Zayn Malik wanted Niall Horan and this time, he didn't want a fake relationship or just some tight virgin ass. He wanted the blonde for everything he was. 

AN/ Been a long time!

What do you think about the chapter?

What do you think about Ziall?

Are Zayn's feelings a bit more genuine now?

What do you think about Niall's thoughts and feelings?

How is the meeting with the parents going to go?

What's Zayn going to do now that he's starting to feel something for Niall?

Next update when this chapter gets 90+ votes and comments! 


I'm sure everyone is well aware about Jay passing away. My thoughts go out to the entire Tomlinson - Deakin family and everyone who was close to her and loved and respected her. She definitely didn't deserve this. It was too sudden and it's just so hard to imagine what all her kids must be going through. The worst part is that Ernest and Doris won't even remember their mum when they grow up. 

Louis has been so brave throughout all this. It requires a lot of strength to walk up on the stage and sing a song that's a tribute to your mother. But wherever she is, I'm certain Jay's watching down on them all and feeling so damn proud of all her kids like she always was. 

Rest In Peace sweetheart. You're in a much better place x

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