Curiousity Killed The Cat

Start from the beginning

"Nothing's wrong with me." I said getting defensive. "He just messaged me over break and we just kept talking. I really don't see what the big deal is."

"You don't? Well how about I just go tell Patrick and Chloe what's going on. I'm sure they'll see it being a huge deal to them." He said staring hard at me.

"You know that's not what I meant. I was trying to say is that I don't see why we should hide it. I shouldn't have to hide talking to a friend from my boyfriend and best friend."

"Becs, I love you like a sister, but sometimes you are so dumb it makes me want to cry." He said as we stood in line to get something to eat. "You two are basically exes."

"But we aren't. You know that."

"Well there was still that emotional connection you guys had and Chloe gets jealous of it. Same with Patrick. My advice is to leave him alone. Nothing good could come out of this."

I sighed and ran my fingers through my bangs. "I guess you're right. Please don't tell anyone about this."

He shrugged and grabbed two wrapped pre-made sandwiches. "Did I last time?"

I picked up two bags of chips then two waters as we walked to the cashier. James handed the lunch lady the money for all of our stuff and we walked back to the center of the quad.

"So how's everything going with 'Operation Kelly'?" I asked trying to get my mind off of thoughts about Aaron.

James smiled slightly then replied. "Very good actually. We're going to the movies Friday to see that new movie 'The Caves'."

"Well, fucking finally. I told you she would like you." I said nudging him with my elbow. "And you doubted my skills."

"I didn't doubt your girl skills. I just didn't think she would like someone like me." He countered putting his head down slightly.

"Turn that frown upside down, buddy. You have a date with a girl you've been crushing on since what, middle school? You should be doing cart wheels in fields of sunflowers." I said trying to make him laugh.

"Wow. That would be really gay for me to do." He said laughed and soon I joined him.

"Finally you guys grace us with your presence!" I looked up and saw Hayden sitting on the table with everyone else sitting on the benches talking, and eating.

"FOOD!" He yelled reaching his arms out to grab my lunch.

"Back off you little stoner. I haven't eaten today." I said hiding the bags of chips behind my back.

"Awe come on." Hayden whined. "I got the munchies and no money because I have to pay for stupid gas."

"But you had enough for bud? Maybe you should have spent your money more wisely." I said sitting down next to Patrick then James passed me one of the sandwiches he was holding.

Hayden turned and sat on the bench like a normal person facing me. His eyes where squinting, but I could still see that they were really red and glossy. "Well if I had spent my money more wisely I wouldn't be in the predicament, now would I?"

"Dude, you just said the exact same thing she just said, but used different words." Chloe said rolling her eyes as everyone laughed at him. "You are frying your brain my dear friend."

"Says the girl who smoked with us this morning." Aaron said laughing at his now blushing girlfriend.

"Details, details." She said waving her hand in front of her.

"Anyways, back to what I was saying. Please let me have your chips." He begged putting his hands together like he way praying. "You don't even like those."

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