Chapter Ten: ...What?

Começar do início

During a courtship, there are plenty of different ways to go about wooing the one you wish to marry or know better. Among the gods, it was far more personal, gift giving and playing nice with the family or other loved ones of your partner. As for the humans, they had many different ways of going about courting. My personal favorite came from the Scandinavians on how the young men would pretty much avoid their brides-to-be until the wedding to prevent bringing shame upon her household.

But I do not see how that will help me here, as I doubt Jasper would take kindly to me avoiding him.

My question seems to stump Jasper, though, making me wonder if he knows any about dating either. However, I soon find out that it was my prelude to the question, not the question itself, which causes him pause. "What kind of dating did you have in Scotland that you think it would be different here?"

I should not have added that part, I realize too late.

"Well," I start, allowing myself a moment to gather my thoughts. When I come up with no obvious explanation, I settle for the truth. "There was no dating."

Jasper looks more confused by this, but I guess he has no idea of what to ask, as no questions follow. Instead, he reluctantly returns to my own question. "There's not really a set way to date, I guess," he answers, frowning rather adorably in thought. "I mean, most people do things like cuddling, going on dates, talking, and, other things."

His face flushes slightly at whatever he cut himself off from saying, but he continues anyway, "Some couples go out a lot, while others stay in. My last boyfriend was more into fancy things like wine tasting and going to expensive restaurants, but I prefer the cheesy stuff, like picnics, carnivals, and stuff."

I have no idea what a 'carnival' is, but picnics are something I understand and I can 'cuddle'...probably. It has been a while and it used to take a strong feeling of comfort before I would cuddle with Atlas. I suppose I will have to see how comfortable I am around Jasper in a more intimate setting, as I have so far proved that I am very nervous and concerned about social rules when in close proximity with him as a neighbor-friend.

"Do you have any hobbies? Anything you might like to do on a date?" Jasper asks a moment later, and I realize I just filled the silence by staring at him while deep in thought. That was likely very unsettling for him.

I hesitate for only a moment before shaking my head. "I enjoy reading and cooking, but I am not certain how that would assist with our dating," I reveal, rather unhappy that I cannot be of use.

Jasper smiles a little, and I notice a slight edge of amusement to it. "Couple's cooking classes," he mumbles.

Pretending not to have heard the quiet murmur, I lean forward slightly and ask, "Pardon?"

He immediately straightens up, his ears red instead of his cheeks this time. "N-nothing," he says, clearing his throat and finally taking a step back. "Don't, uh, don't worry about it. We can come up with something later. There's bound to be something interesting going on sometime soon."

"All right," I agree reluctantly, not sure what to do now.

There is yet another moment of awkward silence before he breaks it with, "I, uh, should probably let you go. I have this mess to clean up and it'd be boring just to watch me clean it all."

"Then I shall see you at a later time?" I ask, wondering if I should be relieved to have an easy escape to return to my apartment to think this over, or worried that I am being subtly asked to leave. Have I already messed up this 'dating'?

Jasper smiles brightly again. "Absolutely," he agrees cheerfully, and then walks me to the door.

He sees me out with a large smile and a small wave, and I can hear that he does not shut his door until mine is closing behind me. Not even ten seconds later, I am wondering what I have gotten myself into this time.

How to Be a God [ManXMan]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora