"I thought I'd lost you too," she says softly, shaking her head, her eyes closed.

"Emma look at me." She doesn't answer, simply trying to calm her breathing. 

"Emma. Come on Swan, let's see those eyes," I coax. She looks up, refusing to smile. "I love you. And I am never going to just get up and leave you. I promise you that. You mean more to me than you will ever know. That you can see the good in me Emma, it astounds me every day. My life isn't complete without you. I love you," I emphasize. The corners of her lips twitch up slightly as she smiles a bit, her tears falling freely now. So many emotions must be going through her head. She laughs a bit, wiping away the tears that refuse to stop falling. I smile, getting up to sit next to her. I try to put my arms around her, but she backs away, just wiping away her tears.

"Yeah. Thank you. I'm sorry, I know you don't want to be dealing with this and my stupid walls right now when we have customers so we should probably get back to work," she says, avoiding my eyes and walking to the door. I sigh, looking down. Those walls that we've worked so hard to break just fly up. But I love her, walls and all.

"I love you too,"  she says, looking over her shoulder before she leaves the room.

"Emma," I say, going after her, but she ignores me, heading straight to the counter, but I take her hand gently, turning her around. "Swan. Now I know you feel like you've got the wight of the world on your shoulders, but at some point, you've got to trust me."

"That's what you think this is about?! That I don't trust you?!"

"Is that not what this is about? You didn't seem to trust me leaving the building for a bloody half hour."

"Of course I trust you!"

"Then why do you keep pulling away from me!"

"Because everyone I've ever cared about or cared for me, I've lost! My parents gave me up, didn't even bother to put me in the hospital, every foster parent I've ever had sent me back or replaced me with their own kid, Neal abandoned me, I lost everyone! I just, I can't lose you too," she says, blinking back tears.

"Well love, you don't have to worry about me. If there's one thing I'm good at doing, it's hanging on to what I love. And you, Swan, just happen to fall into that category." Her eyes soften as she understand what I've been trying to get through to her. I'm not going to leave her. I take a chance, stepping forward, and pulling her against me, pressing my lips to hers. I feel her relax, letting me hold her to me. She pulls me closer, placing one hand curled on my chest, and the other on my neck, holding me.

"I'm sorry I shut you out," she whispers after a few moments. "Everything that happened today, it reminded me that I have this tendency to... expect the worst in people. And I did that with you today. In my childhood, people were always letting me down, and I-"

"Hey. I don't intend to let you down," I assure her.

"I know. So that's why I'm gonna do what I know I can do with you. I'm gonna choose to see the best in you," she says, staring into my eyes, her own filled with love.

"And I with you," I whisper, pulling her lips back to mine. Just as I start to deepen our kiss, we hear something crash next to us, and we pull away quickly.

"Liam?" I ask.

"Sorry, I didn't want to interrupt. I was just coming back to help out and I was going to the back to see if you guys were there, and well clearly here you are I just didn't want to interrupt, you see I dropped a glass here and uh..."

"So you awkwardly stood there and watched?" Emma asks, giving him a strange look. She blushes, scratching behind his neck.

"Next time interrupt," Emma says laughing. 

"Or not, we could most definitely continue this at home, have some fun," I whisper. Her eyes widen and she nudges me with a laugh.

"Oh get a room you two," Liam says to us.

"Oh don't worry, we will!" I call after him.

"Oh I'm sure! Now go home, you crazy lovebirds, I'm closing up for the night!"

"Now how about that fun?" Emma asks, mischief gleaming in her eyes. I grin. Oh what a night this will be.


Well? Did you guys like it? I know it's a relatively short chapter, only 2300 words or so, I'm sorry but I did it during my 10 min break while trying to study for a test so I guess it's okay. I just really wanted to get you guys a chapter. Chapter for Lost Girl coming next, hopefully soon!!

ANYWAYS! So, yes plot twist! Neal is not a horrible person in this fanfiction!!! He's only a stupid one lol. He's not an evil rapist or anything yayayaya. SO MANY IDEAS FOR COMING CHAPTERS GOSH. So I hope you guys liked that! If you did, leave me a comment saying why, or vice versa? Thanks loves :)



I'm crazy.

You should all know that by now.

Please don't forget to vote and comment loves! Thanks so much!


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