New Guild

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Lucys Pov

I decided,  If fairy tail is going to treat me like trash.. Then let's battle Properly.

As I Run to Sabertooth I slowly remember  life is happening so quickly before I knew it I was in front of Sabertooth's door, I tremble, (sorry if this sounds awful I tried using words I could say but couldn't spell ) I start crying, every thing in my body,  at the moment started shutting down.

Remembering, what they did, What they said, and they didn't care... A warm liquid streamed down my face.

Stings POV

"Those guys didn't put up a good fight at all" I pouted

" I Agree, Sting they didn't."
My best friend rogue says

"You boys are a handful..."
My Friend Yukino

I laugh 😭loudly (why do I get that emoji for loudly)
We make our way to the guild and see a
...blonde girl Standing there...

"Yo Blondie you ok? " I said running us to her and I saw her face.. 'Shes a fairy.. Why is she here and after all why is she crying.

Suddenly my body moves on its own and I kiss them blondes cheek

She notices im here, blushes, then she wiped her tears

Rogue and Yukino see her.

Yukino runs over to her
" Are you Alright? "  she says holding her shoulders

Blondie nods and then follows us into the guild

"Blondie what are you doing, Fairies can't be here" I said

Everyone stares, or glares  at her

She sniffles  "I'm joining the guild"

Minerva walks up to her

"Sorry, Kid we don't allow weak fairies here.. Or quitters"

"I'm not weak.. Im not. A quitter either" she says

"You are a quitter, you probably.. Left because your mean to everyone " Minerva says smirking

"Then let me tell you a story.." she says

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(I stopped for a second because I was reading a fairy tail story to my grandma and it said "her feminine chocolate eyes " and she's like "is there man chocolate? ")

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