Chapter 19: Zira's Revenge

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The next morning, Kopa was up the earliest. He knew the promise that he had made to his father the night before, but he just had to see Vitani again and at least explain things. Maybe when they were older and everything had blown over they could see each other again. But for right now, it just wasn't safe and the last thing that he wanted was to put her in harm's way.

He arched his back in a stretch as he turned to go. Before he could make it far, however, he felt something sharp grasp his tail. He let out a hiss as he turned and realized that it was Kiara.

"Kiara, what are you doing," he hissed as quietly as possible.

Kiara looked up smugly. "Where are you going?"

"I'm just going to see Vitani and tell her that I won't be able to see her again for a while," answered Kopa, still in a very quiet voice. The last thing that he needed was for either of his parents to wake up.

Kiara gave a small nod before interest showed in her eyes. "Can I come too?"

"I don't think that's just a great idea, Kiara," confessed Kopa as he looked down at his paws.

Kiara pointed out her lip in a pout. "And why not," she asked in a slightly louder voice that caused Nala to turn over and scoot a little closer to Simba.

The fur along Kopa's spine stood on end as he looked to his sister. Sometimes she could be such a pain. "Alright, fine, but be quiet and don't say anything."

"Have I ever," Kiara reported as she followed her brother out of the den and down priderock.

They made their way through the pridelands quickly and to the Outlands. They quickly bounded over to their favorite meeting spot; the rock. Kopa wasn't sure if Vitani would show or not, but if she didn't he did know where she lived.

"Kopa, something feels weird," confessed Kiara as she looked down. "My stomach hurts."

Kopa rolled his eyes. "You're probably just hungry or something. Go and find something to eat and them come back. I don't plan on being in the Outlands wrong."

"Okay," Kiara meowed as she turned and bounded off a little ways in the distance where there was a small swallow dip that Kopa had found grubs for her before.

Kopa watched her go with another roll of his eyes. He then sunk down slightly behind the rock and settled down for a quick grooming. If he was going to meet Vitani for the last time in a while, he at least wanted to look his best, or at least the best that he could in the desert.

He was almost finished when he saw a shadow appear in front of him and over him. He din't think that it was supposed to rain, so the shadow was a little strange. He then brightened as he remembered the games that Vitani used to play with him.

"Vitani, is that you," he asked eagerly as he rose to his paws and looked around the rock slightly. When he didn't see anything he heard a hiss.

He gulped as he suddenly looked up and saw Zira standing there. She was sitting calmly and didn't look at all like the savage lionesses that he had seen the day before, defending her daughter from his father.

"Oh, hello, Zira. I was wondering if I could talk to Vitani for a little bit," Kopa asked eagerly.

Zira tipped her head. "I don't think that that's such a good idea, Kopa."

Kopa hung his head before he shrugged. "Yeah, I know, but I just want to tell her that we won't be able to see each other for a little while."

Zira lifted her claws and tapped them against her chin slightly. "Tel you what, if you bring your father here, I think that I would be able to get Vitani here."

Kopa thought about it for a bit before he gave his head a shake. He didn't like the way that Zira was speaking. "Um, no, I don't think so. My dad doesn't like Vitani very much and he wouldn't like to know that I'm in the Outlands, so, I think I better go."

He turned to bolt, but Zira leaped in front of him and bared her teeth in almost a smile, but Kopa knew better. "Now, Kopa, don't make things difficult. Bring your father here and I'll let you go."

Kopa shook his head defiantly. "No! I know what you want and you won't get it. My father isn't coming and I won't come and get him."

"Very well," breathed Zira as her eyes dilated slightly. "It will be your doom!"

She suddenly lunged for Kopa with her claws extended and her teeth bared. Kopa yelped in shock before he recalled the battle moves that he had learned. He reared on his hind legs and raised his paws, but Zira was larger, stronger, and much more experienced than he was.

She easily took him to the ground and slashed her claws against his chest. Blood spurted out like a stream and speckled the ground in front of him. Kopa leaned back and lifted a paw to his chest to try and contain the bleeding. He grunted in pain and was able to strike his paw outward and slash his claws against her muzzle, adding another scar to her collection.

"You're going to have to do better than that, Kopa," taunted Zira as she lashed her tail against the ground. "Your father wouldn't be impressed."

"You don't deserve to talk about my father," yowled Kopa as he launched himself into the air and sunk his claws into her throat.

She gasped as she raised a paw and thrust him against the rock. His head smashed against it and he grunted in dizziness when he landed. He went to rise to his paws, but Zira was quicker.

She sunk her teeth into the bast of his throat and bit down. Blood began to gush out as she lifted her paws and struck her claws against his back and broke it open easily. Kopa whimpered in agony as his body slumped to the ground and into the pool of blood.

Zira panted as she drew back, looking at Kopa with eagerness in her eyes. "Now you die as all pridelanders must. But, don't worry, you won't be alone. Your father will be joining you soon and then you'll be reunited once more!"

Kopa wanted to say something, but the world was going brighter, whiter even. He finally let go and everything around him began to fade.

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