Chapter 4: Explore

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"I'm going out to explore," called Kopa over his shoulder. He halted slightly to see if his parents had heard.

Simba lifted his head from where he was dozing on the floor of Priderock. "Alright, don't wander into the Outlands!"

Kopa dipped his head before he bounded forward and leaped from Priderock. He had grown in maturity and stamina in the past moon and now he could go all day without any problems whatsoever. He couldn't wait to have fun and run around. He just wished that he had a friend.

He plunged into the tall grasses, laughing as he rolled around on the ground. The grass tickled his nose and he sneezed before he bounded back to his paws and pelted forward.

He soon came upon the watering hole and he lowered down as he lapped at the water longingly. Once he had finished he heard a cackling sound around him. He turned sharply and saw a small hyena with spots and pointed ears. His eyes were a shade of yellow. Two jackals were closing in on him and the hyena looked ready to cry.

A growl rolled in Kopa's throat as he bounded forward and dove in front of the jackals. "Hey! Leave him alone! What did he ever do to you," spat Kopa with his back arching.

The jackals thought about snapping, but they didn't. Kopa let out a roar, that came out more like a hiss, but it did the job. The jackals darted and Kopa puffed out his chest in pride as a purr rolled in his throat.

He lumbered over to the hyena and he dipped his head. "Hi. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," the hyena reassured as he shook out his fur. "Thanks."

Kopa nodded. "I'm Kopa by the way. What's your name?"

"Tabockie," answered the hyena wit his ears flicking upward.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Tabockie. Why were those jackals chasing you," asked Kopa.

Tabockie looked at his paws in embarrassment. "I stole some of their food. To my defense, I was awfully hungry."

"I can understand that. Here, follow me," urged Kopa as he bounded forward with Tabockie following. They came over to to the log that Kopa and Simba had found the grubs at earlier. Kopa shoved his head against the log and tried to move it, but it was large and very stubborn.

Kopa then reared on his hind legs and pushed madly against the log. "Tabockie, help me."

Tabockie rushed over and pushed his head against the log. The two of them were able to roll the log away. Tabockie wagged his tail as he looked around. "What can we eat under there?"

Kopa kneeled down and looked at the muddy ground. He plunged his muzzle into the mud and was able to pull up a slug and he sat it at Tabockie's paws. Tabockie looked at him with an odd expression.

"I know that it doesn't look like much, but it's really good. Just try it," urged Kopa as he continued to rummage for more grubs.

Tabockie looked like he wanted to refuse, but his stomach rumbled. He shook his head as he lowered down and grasped the slug's back. He then slurped it up and made a face before his eyes started to glow. He leaped forward and grasped a beetle before he swallowed it in one gulp.

"See, I told you," joked Kopa as he watched Tabockie lick the rest of the slime from his claws.

Tabockie nodded slowly as he wagged his tail. "Thanks," he barked before he lowered into a crouch and wiggled his haunches. "Want to play?!"

"Yeah," exclaimed Kopa in surprise and excitement as he lowered down and surged forward. He plowed into Tabockie and the two began to roll and wrestle with each other, laughing and howling in excitement.

Kopa had never played with anyone else before. He didn't care that it was a hyena. He liked Tabockie and he would've loved for his parents to meet him, but one step at a time.

Kopa managed to pin Tabockie under him before he leaped off of him. Tabockie's eyes widened in surprise. "Wow, you're a really good fighter."

"Well, I don't know that many moves yet, but I hope to learn soon," answered Kopa bashfully before he lowered into another crouch, leaning back and forth. "Come on, let's try it again!"

Tabockie nodded as he lowered into a crouch, growling softly to himself. The two ten leaped at each other again. Kopa sunk his teeth gingerly into Tabockie's shoulder, but Tabockie was larger and he knew Kopa's move and he was able to sink his teeth into Kope's foreleg and was able to toss him aside. Kopa was shocked as Tabockie thrust him against the ground and he was surprised when Tabockie held him down.

Kopa's eyes widened before Tabockie leaped off of him as he shook his spotted flank. "That's a famous hyena move," explained Tabockie as he wagged his tail. He then thrust his paw forward and Kopa grasped it as Tabockie helped him to his paws.

"Cool! Can you teach me that," asked Kopa hopefully.

Tabockie smiled. "Sure!"

There was sudden a cackle from behind them. Kopa turned his head as did Tabockie to see a larger form of Tabockie. Her eyes were a soft green while there was a red scar across her shoulder. She licked her lips as she cackled once more as she threw her head over her shoulder.

"That's my mom," Tabockie explained as he dipped his head to Kopa. "I've gotta go. But, I hope to see you soon. Thanks again, Kopa!"

Tabockie then bounded over to his mother and lifted his head to her. She stroked Tabockie between the ears. They padded away as Kopa leaped onto the edge of the log and watched them go.

He purred before he saw the sun begin to set. He decided that it was probably best if he headed back before his father came to find him. He strode back to the priderock as he climbed the rock. He saw that his father and mother were waiting for him and he purred as he bounded forward.

"Did you have a fun day," asked Nala. "You were out for a while."

"Yeah," exclaimed Kopa as he thrust his paws against the ground. "It was awesome! I made a new friend. His name was Tabockie and he was a hyena."

"A hyena," exclaimed Simba as he looked to his mate. "Wow. That's different."

Kopa nodded before he bounded forward and toward the priderock. Suddenly, a paw struck out and drew Kopa backwards. Kopa's ears stood on top of his head as he looked around before he realized that it was his father. He grimaced slightly as Simba drew him back toward Simba and Nala.

"Dad, I'm tired. Can't I sleep," he pleaded.

"Just one moment. Your mother and I have something to tell you," explained Simba as he threw his head toward Nala.

Kopa's whispers twitched. "Like what?"

Nala arched her neck and licked Kopa between his ears. "Kopa, you're going to have a brother or sister."


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