Chapter 17: Almost Disaster

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Kopa awoke early the next morning and arched his back in a stretch. He strode from the log and was eager for the sun to warm his pelt and muscles. He didn't like much sleeping in a log, but it could have been worse. At least he didn't have to go home.

He stretched his teeth in a massive yawn as he strode forward. He took another drink of the watering hole before he drew back. Now that it was light out, he was ready to go and see Vitani once more. He was thinking that he might even want to live with her most of the time. She understood him while his father didn't.

He made his way to the border and strode forward. He was almost to the border when he saw Vitani. He smiled to himself as he bounded forward and dipped his head. "Vitani!"

"Hi, Kopa," exclaimed Vitani as she strode forward and touched her nose to his. He used to be a bit taken back by that, but now he really enjoyed that.

Kopa purred. "Hi, Vitani!

"You smell a little different today," assessed Vitani as she wrinkled her nose slightly. "Not bad, different, just different."

Kopa looked down as he nodded and smiled. "Yeah, I didn't stay at priderock yesterday. I got into a fight with my dad and I couldn't stay there," he explained.

"About what," pressed Vitani as they began walk side by side with their fur brushing in comfort.

Kopa looked at his paws before he had enough strength to actually look at her. "About you, a-actually," he stuttered in embarrassment. "My parents don't want me hanging around and Outlander."

Vitani's eyes flashed. "I don't think that it should matter who you are or where you come from. We're friends and that should be all that matters!"

"That's what I thought," agreed Kopa with a nod. "They just don't understand because they were both born in the Pridelands and that's all that they can see. But, if they looked father than what their nose tells them, then they would learn a lot more."

Vitani couldn't help but let out a purr. "That's exactly what I think. Too bad no everyone can be as smart as us," she joked as she cuffed his ear and he laughed in amusement, licking her ear tip.

"We'll just have to show them," agreed Kopa as he puffed out his chest in pride. "We'll be able to bring our families together, I'm sure of it."

There was suddenly a snarl as Simba plunged forward, leaping over Kopa and forcing Vitani backwards. Vitani squealed in terror as she drew backwards, her ears plastered against her head and tail tucked between her legs. She continued to draw backwards in fright as her mouth opened as she breathed heavily.

Simba continued to prowl toward her with his teeth bared and ears shoved forward. He let out a roar before Zira leaped from the tall grasses and stood over Vitani, challenging Simba. Simba may have been larger than her, but she was just as powerful and stubborn as Simba. If they fought, it would be a fair fight.

"Dad, stop," pleaded Kopa as he reared on his hind legs and pushed his paws against Simba's shoulder and tried to push him backwards, even though he was nowhere near strong enough.

Simba's eyes narrowed as he looked to his son. "Stay out of this, Kopa. You've done enough," he flashed.

The fur along Kopa's spine stood on end in fear as he watched his father swat him away. He faced Zira with his eyes now turning into complete slits. "Stay away from my son, Zira."

"And who's territory is he on," challenged Zira smartly. "You better be telling your son to stay off of our territory if he knows what's good for him."

Vitani's eyes widened. "No! Mom, don't do this," she begged as she looked over to Kopa, longing to run over to him, but she knew better than to try that.

Zira's back arched as Simba prowled backwards, making sure to guard his body between his son and Zira, in case she tried anything. "Now, leave, Simba, before this gets a lot worse for you," she threatened as she lifted her paw and showed Simba her claws.

Simba wasn't afraid to fight Zira by any means, but he didn't want to do that. He growled as he leaned forward and nudged Kopa forward. "Let's go," he muttered darkly.

Kopa knew better than to argue with his father like this. He drew backwards as he looked over his shoulder at Vitani. "Bye," he whispered as he hung his head.

"Bye," Vitani whispered back as she strode away.

Kopa followed Simba out of the Outlands, thinking that he was going to be in a lot of trouble later. He limped forward as he looked in his father's direction. It was only mid day, but he wished that it was dark. He didn't want to do this.

So, he sat in the middle of the pridelands and just wished that his father would forget that he was there. However, it didn't take long before Simba turned and looked at his son. "Kopa," he growled sternly.

Kopa sighed as he strode forward with his head lowered into his shoulders and his chin almost touching his chin. He came up to his father and frowned. He sat down and readied for his father to drill him.

"You disobeyed me. Do you have any idea how worried we've been," he gasped as he looked at his son.

Kopa nodded. "I know and I shouldn't have left, but I'm fine. I just wanted to see Vitani."

"It's not Vitani that I have the problem with. It's his mother," explained Simba pointedly. "They're both Outland lions and you shouldn't be there."

Kopa hung his head. "But, I like her. She's my friend! I just can't leave her."

"I'm sorry, Kopa, but this is for your own safely," Simba breathed as he brushed his head against Kopa's body and drew him closer to him. Kopa purred and lifted his head, rubbing his head against his father's chest. He loved his father more than anything, even if they fought more than they got along. "Please, Kopa, don't go back. I don't even think that this will be an option anymore."

Kopa hated to admit it, but it almost seemed like he was right. "Okay, dad, I promise."

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