Chapter 12: Truth

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Kopa had tried his best to stay away from Taylani the next few days. He didn't want her to say anything else that would just make his fur stand on end. He would've liked to think that she wasn't crazy, but she had never said anything like that before. Maybe she was telling the truth?

"Kopa, aren't we going," asked Kiara as she nudged Kopa's shoulders. "We should really get going if we are."

Kopa nodded as he rose to his paws, arching his back in a yawn. "Alright, alright, let's go," he chided as he bounded forward with Kiara at his side.

They made their way down the priderock rockface and into the pridelands. Kopa was still another uncomfortable silence as Kopa thought about things that had been said by Taylani. He would have liked to talk to someone, but Kiara wasn't exactly the best one to speak to. He was going to either talk to Vitani about it or just keep it to himself. He was starting to think that saying it would just make things worse.

"Why are you so quiet," asked Kiara as she drew toward her brother.

Kopa shook his head as he shook his head. "Just excited to see Vitani," answered Kopa, praying that Kiara listened to him for once. The last thing that he wanted was for Kiara to be her usual nosy self.

Luckily, she didn't. They continued forward before they made their way into the Outlands. Kopa opened his mouth before he caught the scent of Vitani. He purred as he bounded forward with Kiara at his tail.

He strode forward as he saw Vitani. "Vitani!"

She turned her head and smiled when she saw him. "Kopa!"

Vitani bounded forward and dipped her head to Kopa. "It's good to see you," she purred.

"It's good to see you too," agreed Kopa as the two looked into each other's eyes as they stood a few whiskers length from each other. Neither of them spoke as they continued to gaze at each other.

Kiara rolled her eyes as she reared on her hind legs and pushed her paws against her brother's back and pushed him forward. He suddenly stumbled and his lips pressed against Vitani's. Their eyes both widened in surprise as Kopa drew back in surprise. He gulped as he looked up to Vitani in shock.

"I-I," he stammered, not even sure what to say as his eyes widened.

Vitani blushed as much as he did, but she didn't seem the least bit angry. She then leaned forward and licked him on the side of his face and Kopa's eyes widened in surprise. He then smiled and let out a nervous laugh with his eyes glowing.

"Weird," muttered Kiara as she rolled her eyes.

There was suddenly a growl from not far from the border and Kopa and Kiara turned madly. "W-We have to go," stuttered Kopa as he met Vitani's eyes. He would have liked not to have to leave early, but if his parents caught him there it could be disastrous.

Vitani forced a nod as she looked at her paws. "Will I see you tomorrow?"

Kopa had leaped forward, but he turned to look at Vitani. "Of course," he she meowed with a twitch of her ear. "I'll see you later, Kopa."

Kopa bounded forward as with Kiara at his side. They surged across the Outlands and back into the Pridelands. They hadn't been in the territory longer than a few heartbeats before Sarabi came up to them.

"What are you two doing here," he asked as she looked at them.

Kiara and Kopa exchanged a glance as they debated on what to say. Eventually, Kopa found an excuse. "Just playing a little game of tag," he answered.

Sarabi narrowed her eyes as if she didn't believe him before she looked at the Outlands. "Careful, you almost crossed the border into the Outlands. Those lions are the ones that you don't want to mess with. Now, come. You parents wanted me to bring you back home. They want to talk to you."

Kopa gulped as he strode forward with his paws pounding against the ground. Kiara followed as Sarabi led them forward. "What do you think this is about," whispered Kiara in his ear.

Kopa shoved her away. "I don't know, but don't make it obvious," he growled sternly as Kiara drew away and rolled her eyes.

Sarabi lashed her tail against the ground. "Come on, keep up. I have a patrol to lead after this."

"We're coming, Sarabi," Kopa meowed before he bounded forward as he nudged Kiara. They bounded forward as they joined Sarabi's side and continued through the savanna.

They made it back to priderock before Sarabi nudged both Kopa and Kiara up there. Before Kopa could get to far away, Sarabi cleared her throat and Kopa turned to look at her.

"Kopa, I know that you two were in the Outlands. Now, I'm not going to ask why, but if I find you there again, then I will have to tell you parents, understand me? That's no place for you or your sister," Sarabi told him sternly.

Kopa struggled not to make a face at her. He managed just to nod as he turned away in anger. "Yeah, okay," he grumbled as he turned back up the rockface.

"I mean it, Kopa," added Sarabi.

Kopa spiraled around. "Then just stay out of it. I don't always need your opinion," he growled back stiffly as he left her standing there as he headed up the rockface. He made it to his parents and saw that they were already speaking with Kiara.

"Where's Sarabi," asked Nala.

"She said something about going on a patrol," answered Kopa as he scratched at his chin with his one claw.

Simba nodded as he came up to him. "I wanted to talk to you about a story before you start to hear it from anyone else," Simba explained as he arched his neck to speak to his cubs.

"About what," asked Kiara in interest.

"About something that happened a long time ago. Now, when I was young, my father was killed when I was caught in a stampede. He rescued me, but his brother, my uncle, pushed him down. It wasn't good. I ran away after that and I didn't come back until your mother found me. After that I killed my uncle. But, some of the lionesses felt like he still should have been king. I couldn't have them here, so I banished them to the Outlands. That's why there's lions in the Outlands and that is also why you must never go there. They don't respect my leadership," explained Simba.

Kiara and Kopa didn't say anything as if they were afraid of mentioning the Outlands at all. "Okay," meowed Kopa before he nudged Kiara harshly.

Kiara narrowed her eyes before she forced a smile with her teeth grinning. "Yeah, we completely understand, dad," she reassured as she tried to look like an angel.

"Good," purred Simba as he arched his neck and began to nuzzle his son and daughter affectionately. "I just don't want anything to happen to you."

"You don't have to worry about us, dad. I have everything under control," pointed out Kopa as he brushed his head against his father's chest.

There was a growl as Priphime bounded up the rockface with worry showing on her face. "Simba, there's something going on," she fretted. "Sarabi's patrol hasn't come back yet."

Simba tilted his head as he let out a sigh. "Alright, come with me and we'll see what's up," he meowed as he bounded forward with Priphime at his side. They darted forward and Kopa watched them go, bounding at the edge of the rockface.

"Come on, Kopa. We don't need to wait for them to get back," chided Nala as she came forward and nudged her son forward.

Before Kopa could say anything, Kiara bounded forward and narrowed her eyes. "Hey, what's that?"

Nala turned her head and she gasped. "Fire!"

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