Chapter 15

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"See? I knew you would win." Gold smiled at me, all traces of his weariness gone. I peered at him suspiciously.

"Right. Now, the gym?" I asked, only one thing on my mind. Gold laughed.

"A man's gotta keep his promises," he replied, offering his arm like an old-fashioned gentleman. "Shall we?"

I cracked a small smile and playfully pushed his arm away. "Can we not walk like that?" I said jokingly. "I'd rather run." With that, I sped towards the building I assumed to be the gym- a peculiar shaped building, with a brown roof decorated with a giant shining half-pokeball. Looking over my shoulder, I saw Gold run after me, grinning.

"Last one to the gym is a rotten egg!" he shouted, gaining speed. I focused back on the building, which was getting closer with each step. Only a few more feet and I would win...


"Fine, you win," Gold panted, his tongue sticking out like a puppy's. I smirked. He looked like one of those dogs you see in a pet store window, a goofy grin set onto their face and tongues hanging out. I felt a strange urge to kiss him, but I pinched my arm to clear my thoughts. What I was thinking, I have no idea... to this day.

Someone in front of us cleared his throat. I looked up to see a pudgy man dressed in a striped shirt, wearing sunglasses.

"I expect one of you is here to challenge the gym?" he asked in a rough voice. Gold looked up, and the man gasped.

"Woah, it's Gold!" he gushed, grabbing Gold's hand and pumping it up and down. "Welcome back, champion!"


Gold looked embarrassed. "Haha..." he trailed off, pointedly not looking at me. The man with the sunglasses, however, was oblivious to the charged atmosphere.

"So, Goldie," he chuckled, patting (hitting) Gold's back. "This girl your girlfriend? You got a good one!" Gold turned red.

"Uh, I have a boy..." he started, but I cut him off.

"Can I just challenge the gym?" I asked coldly. "And I really don't appreciate being referred to as an object." Gold looked at me gratefully. The man with the sunglasses laughed.

"Feisty one you've got there, eh?" he winked at Gold. "I'll let you in. I'm trusting you won't aid her with your pokemon, Gold."

Gold nodded. "I won't."

The man smiled, satisfied. "You may go," he said. "Don't do anything sneaky!" I rolled my eyes and dragged Gold through the doors. I could hear him laughing behind us.

"Such material!" he cackled, his words muffled through the heavy oak door. "I can screenshot the security cameras and post it to PokeGram! I'll get so many likes!"

Gold rolled his eyes. "He's harmless, but nuts," he said lightly. I looked at him.

"Yes, and now people will think we're a couple." I glared pointedly at the closed door. Gold snickered.

"He won't post it," he reassured me. "Plus, people know Silver and I-" he stopped himself. "I mean, they know I have a boyfriend." I wondered who Silver was, but decided to ask about it later.

We rode a forklift to the top, and bright lights snapped on. The walkway was in a zig-zag fashion, and I could see two trainers lined up, ready to battle. I had read all about the various region gyms when I studied, and I already had an idea of each of their pokemons. The levels of the pokemon were so low, I knew I could sweep them with a blow from mine. I looked at Gold, who's eyes glittered with excitement.

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