Chapter 14

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Ugh." I squinted, shielding my eyes from the sunlight. After a day in the dimly lit hospital room, the daylight looked like the light of a dozen nuclear bombs exploding in unison. It was blinding, and the hot sun was not helping. I could feel sweat beginning to form on my arms, my neck, and my back. Next to me, I heard Gold chuckle.

"Too bright for you, Ms. Darkness?" he jested. "It's 'cause I'm here." I paused, turning towards him.

"I'm fine," I said shortly, crossing my arms. "Can we go to the gym now?" To my surprise, Gold shook his head.

"You're not ready," he said simply. My eyes widened. What did he say? He dared to question my talents? I balled my fists. I would not let this black-haired chick freak tell me what to do. I gave him my most defiant scowl.

"Who says?" I shot back. "I bet I can beat you any day." A statement that may not be true, but Gold seemed unaffected.

"Haha, funny," he said without humor. Pointing to a large, violet-roofed building, he winked at me. "If you can beat that old man who holds court over there, I'll let you battle the gym." I snorted.

"Old man? Fine, you've got yourself a deal." I started walking towards the building, shaking my head in disgust. Normally, I wouldn't act so pompous. My parents had drilled it into my head- saying you're better only guarantees yourself a loss. But being around this boy made me want to boast at the top of my lungs, to prove I was better. He had this air to him- the mannerism of a person who was the best, and isn't afraid to show it. This just made me angrier. I kicked open the door to the building and stormed in.

Inside, a class seemed to be in session. Pupils sat in neat, orderly rows with books open in front of them. Posters describing evolution and the mechanisms of pokeballs lined the wall. In front of the chalkboard, an old man wrote the properties of status effects, shaping his letters with shaky hands. The scent of jasmine and thyme filled the air, as a kettle boiled and bubbled on a mini portable stove. I felt Gold's presence behind me, taking in the scene as well.

"Mr. Teacher!" he said loudly, causing me to wince. Suddenly, all the students stood up and turned towards us in unison, so fast it gave me vertigo. The teacher slowly turned to face us, and his face broke into a huge smile.

"Gold!" he said warmly, his voice trembling. "How nice to see you again." Gold smirked.

"Nice to see ya too, teach," he responded. "I've brought you a new student." He put his hand on my shoulder. I squirmed in my place, trying to get his hand off my shoulder without being embarrassed.

"I'm not a stu-" I began, but I was cut off by Gold.

"She's too impatient to learn from you though," he said. I frowned.

"That's no-" I started, but Gold held up a hand. Reluctantly, I shut up.

"However, she wants to take your final challenge. If she wins, she gets to challenge the gym." I clenched my teeth in fury.

"Who do you think you are, ordering me around like that?" I burst out, not caring about the reaction of the students around me. "I'm not your slave! I'm not your anything! I didn't even want this!" Red washed over my vision, and I was visibly trembling now.

"You go and save me- yes, that's a good thing- but then you take over my life and kick out Green, the one guy I actually was warming up to- and butt into my private life!" I spit. "I just met you- and the impression I had of you was horrible to begin with- and now I'm getting the feeling you order me around because I'm a woman- if I were a guy, you wouldn't be doing this! I would be treated with a lot more respect!" I spun on my heel and glared at him.

Instead of yelling back, however, his eyes grew softer, more melancholy. His whole body drooped so it looked like one big question mark. Lines of weariness popped up on his normally bright face; sadness and pain emanated from him, washing over me. I took a step back, confused by his sudden and drastic change in demeanor. When he look up at me, I saw years of suffering reflected in his eyes.

"You don't understand, Regina," he said tiredly. "I'm trying so hard for you. I'm doing what's best for you right now. One day, you'll understand." He viciously swiped at his eyes.

"Go, please battle the teacher," he said. Please? Gold said please? I sighed.

"Fine." I turned to face the teacher and his students, who were gaping at the pair of us. My eyes met the old man's and I locked gazes with him.

"Give it all you got, sensei," I said. Smile wrinkles broke out on his face as he took out a pokeball.

"My dear, all you had to do was ask," he said. "Battle, start!"

I smiled to myself. I knew what I was doing, and my pokemon trusted me. I could communicate somewhat with them, thanks to Green. All I had to do was concentrate, and it would be another easy win for me. Somehow, I knew my mom would not make an appearance. I fingered a pokeball, ready to throw...




I'm so proud of Stormlocke, my associate at Pokemon-Extra for placing. I would like to work more with you in the future.

I'm also proud of NaivEevee!!  I can't believe you placed! Thank you for supporting my books! :)

Anyways, both of you inspired me to keep writing this book. I would like to thank you for that. I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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