Chapter 13

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As you may have guessed, that idea did not sit well with Green.

"What the hell were you thinking, you SOB?" He screamed at Gold, his hair sticking up haphazardly. His normally clear, green eyes were rimmed with red, like he had been crying. I burrowed myself under the covers, trying to make myself disappear.

Gold leaned against the wall, one foot causally crossed over the other. "It's the only way," he said, shrugging his shoulder. Green's face reddened.

"Well, I could've gone with her, I could get Red, anybody but YOU!" he practically shrieked, jabbing an index finger at Gold. "You're the worst person for the job!"

Gold smirked. "Who said it was a job?" he asked. "Just for saying that, you aren't a good candidate. We're trying to protect her, it's not a so called 'job'."

Green looked like he was ready to punch something. "And, be a good chap and tell me, why am I not cut out for this... protection service?"

Gold rolled his eyes. "Simple. You're too distracted by girls. Red has a thing for another girl, but he's too aloof to be a guard. I'm the only choice. I'm dating someone, I'm alert, and I can think quickly. So there." He spread his arms out, as if that emphasized his point.

Green was visibly trembling now, and his fists were balled. I was worried that any second, he would start slugging Gold. It would be a very one sided fight, given Gold appeared to be off guard.

"You..." he growled, glaring at the raven haired boy. "I first met you... you were a stuck up, arrogant bragger. As time passed... you revealed yourself to actually have a heart." He paused, his chest heaving. He choked on air and continued.

"But now... you're taking her away from me... you don't know the whole story! You can't just do that because... because-" He looked back at me. I subtly shook my head. I didn't want him spilling my secrets.

Gold leaned forward. "Because?" he prompted, resting his hands on his hips. He causally shifted his weight to his other foot.

Green vigorously shook his head."Ugh, forget about it," he snapped. He glanced at me, and I could see his emotions fracturing, waves of sadness and anger rolling off his face and emanating throughout the room. He took a deep breath.

"Take her," he said roughly, one hand on the doorknob. "But if you fail, I will find you. And I will do anything in my power to make you..." he paused and walked over to Gold.

"You.Will.Regret.Everything." he said behind clenched teeth, his finger jabbing Gold in the chest with each word. He pushed Gold away from him and stalked out the door, slamming it behind him.

Gold walked over to my bed and sat down, hard. Green's words must have gotten to him. He look weary, almost scared. I realized that his casualness during Green's rampage was only a facade. Deep inside, he was scared to do the wrong thing, and he truly did not want to anger his senior. Sensing this, I awkwardly patted his hand.

"It'll... it'll be alright," I rasped, trying for a smile.

The boy shook his head. His amber eyes had softened, and looked more like a chrysanthemum yellow than metallic. They were watery, and I could see my liquidized reflection as he looked at me.

"Regina," he whispered. "I only wanted to protect you." He covered my hands with his. I was too surprised to blush.

"I..." he began. "I can tell you right now, Green isn't the one for you." I opened my mouth to speak, but he cut me off.

"You saw how he was with the blonde. He'll continue to be like that, and that girl will keep coming back. One day, he'll leave you just to be with her. I don't want to do that with you."

I was shocked. But Green had seemed genuinely upset at my injury. "But, doesn't he still care?" I asked. "A little?"

Gold smiled, a small smile. "Green is a good person," he replied. "But sometimes his loyalties lie with the wrong people." He got up, dusting his pants.

"I gotta step outside to call Silver," he said. "I need to tell him I'll be gone for a while. He'll understand." He placed one hand on my shoulder.

"Hang on there, alright?" And with that sentence, he ran out the door, shutting it behind him.

I sighed, and rolled over on my bed. I can't believe it, I thought. I've been betrayed by the guy I liked and picked up by another guy all at once. I just can't believe it!


Yes, yes. I know it's a short chapter. But it's all I have time for. :(

I'm so busy I don't even have time to relax anymore, so updates MAY be really slow. But it's not like new readers read this anyways, and for all you old timers (thank you by the way) it'll be like See You Again.

Sorry :<

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