Chapter 1: Clash of the Giants

Start from the beginning

"Let me go!" Her voice cracked, but Jace merely grimaced and dragged her back towards the village gates. More people stumbled past them, some injured, some weeping, and clutching their loved ones. Streaks of ash marked terrified faces.

"No, you have to run – this place is dangerous!" Jace repeated, his tone desperate. "It's no place for–"

An almighty roar drowned out his remaining words. Something huge plummeted from the sky and smashed onto the ground, sending both Jace and Aeris to their knees. Dust and debris exploded into the air. A disorientating ringing echoed in Aeris's skull, turning everything topsy-turvy. A gust of wind dimmed the flames for a fleeting second, dipping the world into darkness before the fire rose again.

Aeris shielded her eyes but curiosity got the better of her fears. She squinted upwards, arching her neck back and almost toppling backwards. Bloodied dark purple scales, sturdier than ten shields, spread across a broad chest and gleamed in the flickering firelight. Two giant, clawed limbs folded and unfolded with lean elegance. Terrifying talons dug into the ground, leaving deep scores. The creature was impossibly tall, even when collapsed in a heap on the ground. A long neck curved upwards, ending in a distant head with a pointed snout against the blackened sky. Its mouth opened with hate, baring glittering sharp fangs.

"A dragon?" Aeris said in wonderment. Mother told her many bedtime stories of the fearsome creatures and the duties they had as a Draconian Family, bound to serve Khaus the Bold through their bloodline. Dragons appeared during troubling times and otherwise existed almost as legends.

Aeris never thought they would be so breathtakingly beautiful.

Snarling, the elegant dragon spread its wings, which were wide enough to span several streets. The next thing she knew, an invisible pressure forced her to the ground, pushing her face against the bumpy stone ground. Her bare elbows and knees stung from the impact. A sharp screech tore through the village and reverberated in her skull, piercing her brain. She screwed her eyes shut. Beside her, the baker trembled, his arm still wrapped protectively around her.

The noise persevered with fury. Blast after blast of air from beating wings would have blown her off her feet were she not already on the ground. Jace dragged her behind a half-fallen stone wall. Aeris buried her head in her arms, her heart beating out of control. Blood pounded in her ears. The world spiralled out of control.

"Astrayas!" Jace's hoarse voice came in a whisper. "And Khaus! But what are they doing in Griza?"

Aeris raised her face. The air was sucked out of her lungs.

Another dragon tore down from the heavens. Midnight blue scales covered broad, powerful wings. It slammed onto the purple dragon, crushing it into the flaming remnants of the village. A shower of sparks flew erupted the air and rained back down. A viscous, dark liquid seeped out of the bottom dragon's body and made rivulets on the ground, sizzling as it met the hot flames. Jace tugged Aeris back. The fire threw the clashing dragons' shapes into sharp relief against the far wall. Huge monstrous shadows tore into each other. The bottom one, downed and injured, thrashed and screeched. The top one drew its head back and released a blast of fire.

The heat was unbelievable. Jace shielded Aeris as the explosion of hot air scorched the air above their heads. Aeris cowered, whimpering. The first dragon released an unearthly, agonised scream that chilled Aeris to her core. Its pain seeped into her bones. Another burst of heat whipped over her. The shadow of the top dragon reared and slammed its foe onto the ground once more, crushing its body and neck to the ground. Her family's dragon, Khaus the Bold, was losing.

Trembling, Aeris swivelled around. Jace's breathing came in short gasps; his arm still wrapped protectively around her. Scuffed, bruised, and terrified, but Aeris was unharmed. Holding her breath, she dared to peek around the wall again.

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