Fun day

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Dear diary,

I woke up on the couch this morning. I at my phone, it was 10:30. I could hear Harper and Gideon playing up stairs, I dragged myself off the couch and up stairs to check on the kids. They were happily playing shop. I let them play for another 10 minutes and we had a bath with extra bubbles and duets! Gideon had a bubble beard, I had to snap a photo or two of them.

I dried them off and picked out some clothes. Gideon wore a swede jacket with a bow-tie over denim 3 quarter lengths and sailor shoes to top it off, he looked so stylish. An Harper wore a floral blouse and jeggings with sandals and a fish tail plait.

We only had 1/2 hour to get food and I still had to pack and and get myself ready. Challenge accepted!! First kids food. I it the bowls, cutlery and put on toast. Gideon got the milk and fruit, and Harper got the glasses and butter. I buttered myself toast, cut up the fruit and made some juice.

Me next: I ran up the stairs, I ran straight into Neil's I rounded the corner and nearly tackled him to the floor. He said to me "you should start rugby, I'll look around" I told him I used to play in Ireland when I wasn't in a different home but please do I miss sports especially rugby". I continued to talk to Neil as I got changed, he turned around. We talked about this morning and I told him what Harper said to me when I put her to bed last night. I showed him the photos from last night and their bath. I asked Neil "when am I going home? because I don't want to get more closer with the life style and people especially Harper she's already said "I love you" and what are you going to do about David? Harper already asked. " The gate bell rang as I zipped up my bad. Neil looked like he was in deep thought. He said "ok ill tell them tomorrow, I want you there. Tell Aly about David when the kids aren't around. Enjoy yourself and take care of my babies!" I looked at Neil "Challenge completed! I'll explain it later!" As I walked by Neil he kissed my forehead. My heart was pounding.

I ran down stairs and opened the gate for Aly. I got the kids ready at the door. They opened the door and waited on the steps as I collected their coats. Alyson asked me where Neil or David were. As she hugged me I whispered in her ear "I'll tell you later it was a rough day yesterday." She nodded and helped with the bags. We planned out our day on the drive to Alys. Aly decided to take us to an indoor adventure park!

The kids ran in buzzing with energy. Me and Aly talked about yesterday as the kids burnt some energy. I told her how much I loved her dress from the Emmys and how the American pie movies are hilarious!

On the way home we stopped for ice-cream! I got Nutella Bear (Nutella and chocolate chips ice-cream yummers) Alyson got the same as me. She said it was her favourite too!

When we arrived at Alys I met Alexis! I LOVE Alexis!! (Well more if that's possible) his smile is contagious. He's so funny and such a gentle man, he carried in everything!

I got a tour of the house and a tour of Alyson's amazing wardrobe! It's spectacular the colour, the organisation, neatness and it's massive! I'm obviously talking about her wardrobe. I was shown to my room and Alexis had my bags ready. The twins are staying with satyana in her room.

I found Harper and Gideon and got then to make a thank you card for aly and Alexis to thank for having us. They coloured and I wrote a quick message and doodle.

I didn't do to much after that except talking to Alyson and how I hoped the David/Neil thing would blow over soon.

I did get Alyson to take a snapchat with me a snapchat video of us and sent it to Bradley. He FaceTimed me almost immediately. I got Alyson to answer. I'm was pretty sure he's was after dead, well at least fainted. I got Alyson to speak to him for awhile and then she left us then. I explained to him about my birthday and what's happening with neon and David, he promised to keep it all secret. Aly came back and said good bye. I got here to sign a photo and I'll get the rest of the rest of the cast to sign it tomorrow.

I watched the new Agents Of Shield, it was do good but scary but it was a great cliff hanger #skyward forever!

Sarah xx

Bradley- he's British and shares the same interests as Sarah. They've been great friends for each other and tell each other everything and anything. Sarah has. Rush on Bradley but he's doesn't know. The only problem is he has a girlfriend Emily already.

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