jason day

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17 march '14

Dear diary, this morning was the best wake-up ever! Gidoen and Harper woke me up and David had breakfast ready. Warm chocolate croissants , green pancakes for St.Patricks Day and a blue berry muffin to finish it off! I got changed into jeans, himym tee-shirt and MacLarens Pub and put my hair in a messy bun, took a quick selfie with David and we left. (i know me doing a selfie but when David offers you take a bloody selfie)

Neil and I dropped the kids to kindergarten and we went to the set! It like heaven over on the FOX lot, there's so many shows I know are being filmed there! Modern Family is being filmed across the road literally, I knew they where close but...... wow I even saw Ty Burrell! The set is MASSIVE!!! There all so funny with their funny voices and facial expressions but the episode its self was sad there was so many of us in tear!. I got a script (last episode even though it was 1 1/2 ago) and everyone signed it and my jumper too!! I didn't do much to do today but tomorrow I'll be their assistant, I'm so excited words can't explain!

Jason made me lunch his specialty! And we talked about the show ending and stuff, he told me I was staying with him tonight! He said "how about we watch so movies, order take-out and I'll show you some scripts and my new ideas and material."

So I'm at Jason's now waiting for chinese to arrive. We are going to prank call a few people which will be unreal. We just looked at some scripts and what he's writing at the moment. We've been tweeting loads of wacky photos and even did a twit cam!!! Food is here, go to go,

Sarah xxx

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