rough day

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dear diary,

So last night was amazing I'm still wreaked and what happened today didn't help. So I was outside minding Gideon and Harper and Gideon when fell and cut his knee. I went in and shouted for Neil or David, I could hear voices raising and drawers banging in the distant faintly, so I made noise as I took care of Gideon. In the corner of my I saw David with a bag walking out the door, slaming it behing him shouting "I can't do this anymore!" Then Neil ran down the stairs and called his name, stop and cried even more. I looked at the kids they were frozen, they tried to stare out the kitchen door. I stopped them. I grabbed them both and sat them on the counter. I put away the first aid box, the twins were silent. I thought to my self, I wonder what happened? Was it me being here? What do I say to the twins? That's it, it's movie time! I lifted them off the counter, and fix Gideon's pants. I took their hands and told them I'd race them up to their room!

It was a draw. I sat the them on their beds and got their pjs. They were confused, I told them that for the rest of the day we were going to watch movies. As they changed I grabbed some pillows and blankets out of the hot press and got changed myself.

They followed my down stairs with their hands full of teddies mine with more pillows and blankets! I put of some popcorn and I got the kids to set out the pillows and blankets. We got all cuddled up and I had Gideon on my left and Harper on my right. We watched some kiddie films which are still of some of my favourite films, but I couldn't get Neil and David out of my mind. But the kids were more important. We went through a few movies fairly quickly. It was around 6 and we getting hungry and with no David, I had to put my home economics skills to use.

I looked through the fridge I found some dough. I cut up some ham and stuff and made some piazzas. I put on extra food for Neil.

I sat and taught to myself while the food cooked. What should I do? I decided to call Alyson, her kids and the twins get on well. I slipped in and out of the sitting from to get my phone. I snapped a quick photo of the twins spread out on the couch. I looked through the phone thingie. She picked up her phone almost instantly. I asked if the twins and I could could come over tomorrow and stay the night. She said she'll happily have us.

I cut up the piazza nice and small for the twins and placed it on plates to let it cool. As it cooled I brainstorm what I'd say to Neil. Whet do you say to your hero when their heart is breaking? I wrote a note just incase, he wouldn't let me in. It wrote:

Dear Neil,

Gideon hurt his knee earlier, I took care of it. To cheer the twins up I decided to put on some movies, they were really shocked after what they heard. I hope you don't mind but I made a au date with Alyson and Alexis's girls tomorrow and a sleepover. We'll be picked up at 12ish to give you some space. The kids are in their pjs colouring listening to some music. They coloured these pictures.

Sarah x

I gave the kids their food. I grabbed Neil's pizza, a bottle of water, can of red bull, the note and he pictures.

I knocked on the door and asked could I come in. He replied softly "yes". I could hear him get out of the bed and slowly walk across the room and unlocked the door. He looked dreadful. I held the tray up with a shy smile. I saw his face lighten slightly. I told him about our day and how I cheered the kids up and I hoped he didn't mind we watched a lot of TV. He didn't he was actually happy I took care of them, he asked if the kids were ok. I handed him the note.

He read it and smiled, he looked a me "I don't know what I'd do if you weren't here. Did the kids see David leave? is Gideon sore? is there an thing I can do to help? Ya enjoy Aly 's. Sorry I'm talking so fast to let you answer! go on." I replayed what he said I'm my mind. I answered 'its my pleasure I loved every second of it, I felt like an older sister to them! They tried to look but I blocked them and made some noise. The cut wasn't to bad but of course there were tears but he's a brave solider. The guys are really excited to go to Aly's tomorrow. Please don't come down in the morning I don't want to sound mean or anything, because I think they may have forgot some bit what happened this morning. I'll cook something fir you at breakfast time. Is there anything the twins will need for their sleep over? Will you help me pack their bags?" He said he'd love to. I left Neil packing and I went down and watched the kids.

When I walked back into the twins room he was almost done. I watched him silently, he turned around and saw me and smiled. Neil handed me the bags and I put them by the front door. I looked back up stairs and Neil mouthed 'thank you'.

I went to sit back down on the couch but Harper and Gideon were asleep. I had to take a photo try we're a adorable. I picked Gideon up and put him in bed. As I was putting Harper in bed she whispered in my ear "Sarah where dada gone?" I told her "Harper dada is gone on a holiday for a little while for work and remember he'll always love you."she gave me a big hug "I love you Sarah". My heart melted "I love you too." I kissed her forehead and put on the night light.

I walked down stairs and flopped on to the couch and put the tv on. A lot went on today, Neil and David had a big fight, I saw my hero cry, which broke my heart, Neil got personal and Harper said she loved me. That's slit to go down in one day. I just want to relax and watch some Craig ferguson and jimmy Fallon.

Sarah xx

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