I open my mouth to speak, but Julie quickly cuts me off. "Instead of sitting here arguing all day. Maybe you two should go and meet Enid. She told you be there by 10 didn't she?"

Julie's POV

I feel awful about Faith being blamed and put in this situation because I know it's my fault she's in this situation in the first place, just like most of the times she's been put in a bad situation it always seems to be because of something I've done or said and she somehow always ends up being the one that gets the backlash of it and I understand now why she hated me so much when she was a kid.

Michael and Jackie have said everything will be dealt with and not to worry about Enid and I do trust them because there's plenty of stories they've managed to stop the media getting hold of over the years, but they've always had more of a heads up on things like this, which is why I'm worried. I understand Jackie not wanting to stress anybody out and thinking he could deal with this himself, but if he had just said something from the start then this would have been dealt with over a week ago and I'm really hoping they can pull this off on time.

Michael's POV

"Do you have it?" Enid says the second we walk through the door. "Hello to you too" I say sarcastically. "Quit the bullshit Michael. Do you have the money or not?"

"Why Are you doing this?" Jackie cuts in. "Payback" she shrugs "I had to suffer being your and wife and a mother to your kids for years and I think I deserve a little compensation for that"

"So why go after Faith and Michael? They didn't do anything to you"

"Actually she did. she just randomly turned up with that slut of a mother and you just turned your back on me like I was nothing"

"But you said you didn't even want to be married or have kids"

"I didn't and I still don't" she shrugs. "Then what's the problem?" I shrug confused. "Your getting your own way. He's giving you a divorce and taking full custody of the kids. So why are you still trying to blackmail us?"

"Because a new life cost money and YOU have lots" she smirks at me.

"So take me to court like a normal person" Jackie frowns. "Yeah, because the court's will make you hand over a hundred million dollars" she chuckles sarcastically. "Plus you don't have as much as you baby brother does" she shrugs.

"Please don't do this?" I sigh. "Faith and I have two kids and if you leak that tape then one day their gonna see it and..."

"So what?" She cuts me off "your not to concerned about your kids being picked on for their mommy and daddy being uncle and neice so why are you so worried about them seeing you fucking her?" She shrugs "and don't try that little please think of my children excuse because I don't care about my own kids what make you think I give a shit about your little imbreeds. Which is exactly what they are" she smirks. And I charge towards her, but Jackie grabs me pulling me back before I can get any closer.

"What's the problem? From what I saw on the video you two clearly get off on the whole insest thing. You messed up little perverts" she chuckles.

"So you've watching it?"

"I saw every little part of it. Including the part where you fucked her so hard she went into labour. I have to admit that was pretty impressive" she chuckles. "And you call us the perverts? Your the one getting off on watching your brother in law fuck!" I frown. "And so will everybody else soon enough" she shrugs. "Unless you have a little something for me?"

"And what would you say if we had a recording of you and leaked that?" I raise an eyebrow and she chuckles slightly under her breath "you can record me all you like and leak it to whoever you like. I don't give a fuck because anything you leak won't be nearly as much as I'd get for your tape" she shrugs

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