Granny Smith

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Granny Smith

By: Rachel Lynch

The wind was softly caressing the green meadow as the first weak rays of sunlight played peek-a-boo over the hill. It was just around this time that Old Granny and Danny started to stir.

"Ahhh," sighed Old Granny contently. "What a beautiful morning it is today!" Old Granny now was looking over the hill to the vibrant colors of the sunrise.

"Yes, it is," said Danny dreamily. "What a good time it is to be a Daffodil!" he added happily.

"Well, old friend, what are your plans today?"

"Plans? Oh, with autumn is just over the horizon and all I have left to do is just sit and wait." said Danny sadly.

"Are you feeling well today, Danny?"

"Just a little tired, and worn out, that's all."

"Well, maybe you should go back to bed for a while?"

"Yes, I will do just that."

Sitting quietly throughout the day, Granny Smith watched the sun getting brighter and higher. When the sun once again touched the hill, Granny Smith was getting more and more worried. "Why hadn't Danny woken up yet?" Granny Smith wondered out loud.

That's when she noticed how brown her old friend was starting to look. She was getting so very worried that she was starting to shed juicy green apples. "Danny? Danny wake up, its sunset." pleaded Granny Smith. "Wake up, just wake up!" Granny Smith started yelled in exasperation. But Danny was slumped over the green grass. Granny Smith was not a fool though, for she knew that her old friend had gone to sleep.

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