He sat up slowly. His head throbbed painfully. Yohio figured that it was because of that hit he took back on the plane. He didn't know how he was on ground and what the hell was going on, but he knew he had to get out of there. Now.

He began to stand, slowly, making sure that he made as little noise as possible. He could see the figures of two people talking a few feet away. Their faces were hidden by the darkness, but he could tell that one of them was female, judging by the heals and grey pencil skirt she wore. 

Yohio decided not to stick around to find out who the other person was. They stopped talking and turned towards him, and Yohio ran like hell.

They yelled for him to stop, but they must've been crazy if they thought that he would. He took a right turn- there was a cave straight ahead, and had he went in there, he would've been cornered with nowhere else to go. 

But before he knew it, he was on the ground with a heavy force pinning him down. "You will not disobey, Mr. Kagamine." A deep voice growled in his ear. "Or there will be very, very dark consequences."

Filled with panic, fear, and the thought of his family forcing him to fight for his life, Yohio turning and punched the person in the face. It was a man. Yohio couldn't see his face too well. He wore a black hoodie, the hood up and a black cloth covering his mouth and nose. All Yohio could make out was a pair of cold, teal eyes glaring at him.

He was struck back so hard that he could taste the blood in his mouth, and the mystery man stood up and kicked him in the stomach.

"You do not listen well, do you, Yohio?" He said, looking down at the man. Yohio gasped for air, hands grasping at the blades of grass under him. "I told you that there will be consequences, did I not?"

Yohio rolled over and kicked the mystery man's kneecap. He scrambled, trying to get back on his feet. The man let out a hiss of pain, and before he could start running again, he grabbed his ankle and pulled him back to the ground. 

"You- You really are a handful." The man growled. "I've got a way to keep you from running." He raised Yohio's leg and sharply, abruptly, bent it backwards before dropping it to the floor. He ignored Yohio's screams of pain- it was just a broken leg, nothing too serious.

Yohio grit his teeth and clutched his leg. It wasn't the first time it was broken. Once, he fell off a tree trying to get Pepper, the family cat, out of the tree near their home. It was a rather large tree, too, and the cat managed to somehow get on one of the higher branches. Well, when Yohio had just grabbed the cat, the little asshole jumped out of his hands and onto a branch below him, then finally made it down. But when Pepper jumped away from him, he was shocked and accidentally leaned the other way and ended up falling and breaking his leg. But it was okay. He got treated by his family and got time off from his work due to the injury.

This time, Yohio's family wasn't here. Hell, he didn't even know where he was. However, if he recalled correctly, he may have been somewhere in Russia about 30 minutes before he was somehow abducted and brought to land. Russia or the countries around it were his best guess as to where he was.

The man took out a remote of some sort and put his foot on Yohio's throat, limiting him to only a little air. From where he was, the Kagamine could see the flashing lights of the plane. "You see this?" He muttered, toying with the remote. "There's a bomb on that plane. This remote activates it, and it will go off in about 20 minutes." Yohio's eyes widened.

"Don't- please don't." He pleaded. "There are innocent people on that plane-"

The man grinned at him.

"I activated the bomb before we left."

Before Yohio could say anything, an explosion of fire engulfed the plane and lit up the night sky. The colors of red, yellow, and orange and the faint boom from the explosion sent Yohio into shock. All the people on board, dead. The woman with a young infant, the one who kindly gave him his precious family photo back, dead.

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