Captured and... Ooh pudding!

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Chapter 1

 First one to comment gets a dedication!


BLACKOUT! WHO TURNED OFF THE LIGHTS??? Hahaha I sound like I'm drunk... No I'm drugged... Yeah that's it. Stupid people drugged me. I'm gonna make them pay, somehow... But first I need to find the 'On' button... Ah that's better! I thinik as my vision starts to return.

I blink rapidly from the bright light in my eyes. At first all I see is white, then after a few seconds I see the hand I have been waving in front of my face since I became consious. Yup, that's definitely my hand. I can see the bite mark Jasper left on my hand fronm one of our earlier fights when we were ten... Wait, Jasper! And James! Crud, where are they??? 

I was laying on the floor of a cave but I kick the ground in a practiced move that always provides the fastest way to get up. Kinda like a backflip from the ground. I land on my feet and whip my body around to scan the room. It's dark in here... and quiet... Too quiet.

I don't see anyone, so I shrug and pretend to relax, fakeing letting my guard down. There's no one here, but you can never be too careful. I growl and walk silently through a tunnel conncted to the cave, hopeing to find my brothers. Or looking for danger. Whichever you prefer. Come out come out wherever you are...

I will find them. All of them, good and bad. Anything it takes and... ooh, pudding! Chocolate! I grab it, then look up at the sound of a cough. Oops.


 --A/N: Sorry guys about the short chappie, it was a filler and I had the sudden urge to end it here... Still crazy as ever! Ooh and I changed my profile name ;)

If you wanna find out what happens to her next, comment and hope I decide to update! XD


HuntedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora