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Sam Wilde. Simple, normal name, right? I must be normal, right? Wrong. I'm anything but normal. Tell me, what exactly sounds normal about a werewolf girl? Nothing. Even a guy werewolf is abnormal. But considering I'm almost the only girl freak just makes me that much weirder. But I'm happy. After all, what can possibly go wrong when you're living alone in a forest...?






Well first off, you could have brothers that are louder than all the high school cafeterias combined. I wince, listening to my brothers,in wolf form, wrestling in the dirt of the clearing, making enough noise for anybody within nine hundred yards of us to hear. But then, werewolves have exceptional hearing, so I may be exaggerating. But it was still loud.

"James, Jasper, please be quiet! Anyone could hear you. Do you want to be found?" I whisper, though I know they can hear me. They stop, laying on the ground, staring at me like I told them Christmas was cancelled. They grumble unanimously, standing up and shifting at the same time into identical human forms.

We are triplets, I am the youngest of all of us though. I could be a boy, I look exactly like them. Except my features are slightly more feminine. But if you heard my voice, you would be certain that I am a girl. Sometimes, I pretend I'm a boy, and have gotten really good at it, even copying my brothers' voices when I can. We pretend I am a boy, I dress like a boy, and am developing as many noticable muscles as I can. I cut my hair short, to look like my brothers' and when I want to be, I am very convincing.

We all have the same black hair, dark eyes, tall thick frame and tan skin. Our wolves are ecactly alike, unless you count mine being slightly more dainty and swift. I am the fastest of all of us, though the 'oldest' of us, Jasper, is better at hunting. James is the one that seems to have a little of everything, though he hears even better than us. He keeps the peace between me and Jasper, because we fight alot. We are unagreed on who is the alpha, and need James to remind us that technically I am the Luna until Jasper finds a mate, which is not probable since there are almost no females (and none that we have found).

"Hello? Sammy? Anybody home?" I jump as Jasper raps his knuckles on my forehead. I glare at him and he steps back, grinning sheepishly. I just scowl. James puts a calming hand on both of us, telling us to relax.

"Shut up..." I say, shoving him from the side as we walked back to camp. In the forest, there are the usual animals: squirrels, deer, bull elk, chipmunk, possum, frogs, fish ect. But then there are black bears and gigantic wolves. We hunt the bears and there are even a few dragons left, but we respect them, giving them as much space as they need. My pack lives on the edge of the forest, so close to humankind it's dangerous. But we're the most civilized of all the weres, so we have to stay here for the most part.

 Life is hard, but we find happiness in nothing. We stay as far away from the border as possible, and are always making games to play or tracking any stray hikers. Although there arent many predators here, we must remain quiet and always listen. I am always wary of any out of place sounds. The Forest is a dangerous place sometimes, even for us werewolves that know what we're doing. It doesn't always take experience.

Just then, I hear a shout, and instantly feel myself weakening. So dizzy. The last thing I see is my brothers collapsing on the ground, before I follow them.






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