The lady carefully brushed her fingers over my wings. "I usually watch the wild ones sing in the morning, but of course, I never got close. Does she sing like the wild ones do?"

Taureen replied, "Yes. She sings and flies in a similar pattern. Would you like to come over one morning to watch her up close?"

I restrained a chuckle as he tried to use my presence as bribery. She slowly nodded. "I would love that. Does tomorrow work for you?"

He nodded genially as she gently scratched me under the chin. He said, "Yes, feel free to stop by any morning. If you scratch the base of her wings, she will probably really like that. She can't reach that area on her own."

I was amused; for her to ask to come tomorrow showed that she was quite interested in either Taureen or me. I leaned against her wrist and hummed as she found an itchy spot. She pulled her hand back as I sighed and shook myself.

She took a reluctant step back. "Unfortunately, I have to go. I will stop by your place tomorrow morning."

"I look forward to seeing you then."

She nodded slowly as she finally transferred her gaze to examine him. "My name is Aeria."

Taureen bowed his head. "My name is Taureen."

She nodded before glancing down at me, and her eyes softened. "See you later, Tasha."

I sat on Taureen's wrist with an innocent look and trilled at her. I noticed her hide a smile as she turned to go. That had gone very well. For a female to give her name during a chance meeting was unusual. Taureen would have known her name, but until she offered it, it wasn't polite for him to use it when talking to her.

She must be intrigued to have agreed so easily. Hopefully she is interested in Taureen and not just me. Then again, this is not a popular park, so her appearance here was not just random chance. The fact that she didn't ask where he lived also means that she was doing her homework before approaching him.

Taureen handed me a piece of shia fruit and murmured, "Thank you for that. You have no idea how important that was for me."

I nibbled the fruit happily while humming.

       Soranto shook his head in disbelief. "Not possible. Other than Maria, no one else has managed to touch that creature of yours unless she was heavily drugged."

Taureen shrugged while I lounged on a wall perch. "Not even a growl. But I am quite thankful for that."

Tkael commented, "It might be because Aeria is female. Tasha could just have issues with most men. Either way, congratulations. I hope it works out for you."

Taureen looked somewhat excited. "Thanks. I am hopeful, although I know my chances are slim."

Tkael found his excitement amusing. "You forget that you are one of only eight bond animal handlers on this planet, and none of the others are near her age. It is quite unusual for someone under three centuries to be permitted to have a bond animal. That is a huge honor from the Elders."

Soranto looked thoughtful, "Think about it for a moment. Most males who are highly honored are also very busy and tend to be in the thick of the bigger battles. With Tasha, that isn't going to happen. You will never be in a warzone with her unless it has been cleared, so you will never be in an overly hazardous situation. Your time is taken up with an animal that also allows a female to join in the activity."

Tkael nodded. "He is correct. Most females are left widows by their fifth century when their mate dies in battle. No female wants to lose her mate. That fate is much less likely with your position. You may be tracking sicora, but the fighters accompanying you are not supposed to let those creatures near you two. Then again, a creature that will warn if a sicora is in the area would be a huge benefit in a household. She would probably also protect children from any danger as well."

Taureen contemplated that for a moment before commenting, "Aeria is coming over tomorrow morning to watch Tasha sing."

Soranto looked shocked. "Tomorrow? Wow. I have never heard of Aeria taking a suitor or showing interest before. You likely have a decent chance if she approached you. Even my mate didn't want to go for a walk for four days."

Taureen looked smug and didn't reply. Looks like their praise has puffed up his ego. Great. I peeled a bit of bark off of the wood and flicked it with my tail so it hit Taureen. He looked up at me incredulously. I rolled upside down on the wall mounted piece of wood and trilled innocently at him.

Soranto chuckled at my obvious innocent act while Taureen just shook his head.

Upon Wings Of ChangeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora