Chapter 19- Shaking Things Up

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I'm three weeks into the pregnancy and it's been pretty alright. I'm hoping for a girl and a boy, but James wants just a girl. He took more hours to work so I could stay home and take care of myself and the baby. 

 It's about 2 o'clock and Charlie is going to come any minute now. I walked to my room for a scarf. As I pass my full body mirror, I glanced at my stomach. I rubbed my belly and turned to the side. The bump is bigger than it was last week. 

I shook my head and went to find a scarf as the door bell rang. 'Must be Charlie, but she's early' I thought to myself. "Come in Charlie I'm in the bedroom''

I heard someone laugh as they stepped in, it sounds like man? 

"What did we tell you Alizabeth about being lazy and not answering the door?" I recognized the voice, it was Andrew. The person laughing must have been, yup it's Alex. He popped his brown haired head into my door frame and smiled. 

"What the hell Alex?! I could have been naked!'' I yelled and laughed. "Oh please i wouldn't mind seeing a naked pregnant lady. There's always a first for everything,'' he winked.

''Oh God no that's gross" Andrew said as he slowed into my room, making sure I was decent. "I'm just kidding man! She's like my younger sister, that one of my best friends sleeps with." Alex hit Andrew's chest playfully. 

I shook my head in disapproval, "Alex do you have to be so brutally honest about everything??" 

He smiled childishly, "That's what makes me so attractive, my honesty." The room fell silent as I searched for a scarf in my dressers. Andrew burst into laughter as Alex whispers something to him. Probably about me. 

"Alex, if you don't stop bullying me I'm going to throw you out my house!" I turned around and threatened. "Child this is hardly a condo, much less a house," he teases. I finally found the perfect scarf to match my boots. 

Alex and Andrew were still laughing at me and playing with my makeup kit."Look at me I'm all-" 

"Gay!" I finished his sentence for him. I was on the verge of dying from lack of oxygen when Alex took my lipstick and waved it over his lips. He turned around to face me and the bed with deadly expression. I was still trying to hold my laughter because I knew I was about to be murdered. 

"If anyone is gay it's definitely the flower you call a husband!" Alex playfully insulted James. I looked down at the light gray scarf in my hands, up at Alex and throw it across the room as hard as I can. 

Before it could hit Alex, me and Andrew made a run for it. Slamming the door behind us, we sank to the ground holding our aching sides. "Let me out you, you little girl!" Alex yelled and pounded at the door. 

"If you break my door down I'm not going to be the one to break the news to the flower'' I said breathlessly. I looked over at Andrew, his face was red and he was struggling not to laugh. I boomed into laughter, making Andrew laugh harder. "The only thing I'll break is Andrew's face if he doesn't let me out right now."

I ran across the living room leaving Andrew to hold the door shut. He couldn't handle it any longer, he fell on the floor, holding his stomach and trying to calm down. Alex busted into the living room. I looked around for something to throw at the stupid guy, who insulted my husband. I picked up a pillow and threw it just as he was about to get up off the ground. 

He dodged the pillow and slowly walked to my hiding spot. He picked me up by the arms and carried me to the bathroom. I gave up trying to fight him off, and figured Andrew would rescue me before Alex could slaughter me. 

"Any last words, my brave friend?'' he asked in a western voice as he dropped me on the ground. An idea formed quickly in my head. I can fake sick and freak the hell out of Alex.

"Ohhh no" I rolled over and clutched, "No no no, please, it hurts" 

"Alizabeth I'm so sorry, what did I do to you??" Alex panicked, "Andrew call 911!!" he yelled as tears formed in his eyes.

A feeling of regret waved over me, "Alex I'm fine, I'm sorry I'm sorry. I'm fine it doesn't hurt." 

His face was blank, with red blotches where blood rushed up to his cheeks as he blushed,"huh?"

"I'm so sorry", I said laughing, "I was playing. The baby was fine."

"OK" he whispered, and pulled me off the cold floor. Alex held me like a child and laid me down on the couch. "No more playing around, no running, no fun. You have to make sure that baby stays healthy and you can't do that if we throw each other around.''

"If you say so..." 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2016 ⏰

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