Chapter 3- Two days To Go

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Ok I know it's unusual to dread his arrival but I can't help it. I don't think I can do this now. Maybe I'll fake sick or I could get mad (for no reason) and never talk to him again.

Snap out of it Alizabeth you can't do any of those things. It's ridiculous.

I was going to the library, which I haven't visited in weeks. I needed to finish up a school project.

I have to complete a slideshow about a topic chosen by the teacher. My topic was drug addiction/abuse. We had a week to turn it in, saved to a flash drive but I needed more time. I bought a flash drive, saved my incompleted work and went to the library.

Pushing the huge wooden door, my phone rang as loud as a screaming hungry toddler. I answered, not noticing the caller ID, was James.

"Hello, who's this?", he asked playfully.

"Very funny, James Kidds"

He gasped into the speaker, "Stalker"

I burst into laughter at the computer reservation desk.

"James I'm in a library stop making me laugh", I scolded him. Looking around to see a lady with salt and pepper hair pinned in a bun scowling at me.

"Don't you know what today is?", James asked calmly.

"Uh no"

"In no time, I will be holding you in my arms and feeling the softness of your lips on mine."

"What in the hell?"

"Oh Alizabeth, I was reading a cover of a book, you know you aren't the only one who goes to libraries"

"You better be", I felt my heart racing and my palms sweat.

"I have to go, my lady, until tonight!", he shouted into the phone

"Oh please be reading again", shaking my head.

I left the library, deciding I could careless about my grade in computer class. Once at home, I got up stairs to my room, missed dinner so I grabbed a cookie and went to sleep.

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