he moved stealthily and listened closely to where the voice came from. once be attempted to turn around the next corner, leading to another seemingly endless hallway, he saw two figures, one familiar to him and the other one is someone he knew.

"we're gonna drug them again, this time, the drug will have a long lasting effect. you don't have to watch them anymore." the older man said and patted jimin's back afterwards as if to say he did a job well done.

"father, do you mean they'll be thrown back out there?" he heard jimin ask, a hint of hesitance in his voice.

"of course!" came his father's booming voice.

drug? and then yoongi suddenly felt everything coming, like a huge block of rock blocking the flow of the river was finally lifted.

he remembered how he got here.

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:

kang seulbi, jimin's cousin, stumbled over an obstacle-free floor and almost fell if it weren't for jung hoseok, her lover, catching her on time.

"dang seulbi, we didn't even drink yet you walk like you had one." jimin grinned as he teased her, only to receive a smack on the head from chanrin, his long time friend.

"well, there are kids with us so we can't drink." yoongi, chanrin's lover, shrugged. jeon jungkook who is goo chanrin's step-brother, and kang eunmi chatted as they walked ahead.

the memorable day out together came to an end as they arrived at their different homes. jimin lived across chanrin's and hoseok wanted to escort seulbi and so they took a taxi. yoongi didn't go home either, not until he saw chanrin and jungkook go safely inside their home.

"bye." chanrin sent him a shy smile and yoongi felt his heart melt at her cuteness. she was about to go inside after jungkook but instead, surprised yoongi by running to him and planting a kiss on his cheeks whilst turning red.

"good night." chanrin said in barely a whisper before scurrying towards the comforts of her home.

yoongi stood dazed for a minute before he snapped out of it. the cheek that chanrin planted her kiss on still felt warm and became warmer as yoongi felt all the blood rise up to his face.

sighing in contentment, yoongi turned around his heels and walked a few meters away before he noticed the front door of chanrin's home opening.

jeon junmi, chanrin's step-mother came out whilst having her phone on her ear.

"those slow poke you call your men are late! don't blame me!" he heard her yell. yoongi knew it wasn't good to eavesdrop but his curiosity won over and he moved closer. he hid in the dark, at the side of the front porch.

it seemed like mrs. junmi didn't notice him and so he listened quietly.

"your son knows about the explosion? and you didn't throw him to seoul? or what was once seoul." he heard her snort before laughing like a woman gone mad.

her words baffled yoongi completely as questions swam in his mind. was she talking about the seoul toxic explosion during the year 2030, ten years ago? was she at and the man she was talking with at fault?

"mister park jooyeon." she hissed, astounding yoongi. did he hear right? was the name she uttered jooyeon? jimin's father?

"that son of yours better shut his mouth or else it's us who'll be in a very big mess." by son, did she mean park jimin?

yoongi knew he needed to go away as he saw two vans painted in black arriving. several men came out and greeted jeon junmi.

yoongi hurried away, though of all the time he had to be clumsy, it really had to be right at this moment as he stepped on dead leaves and a branch, creating a loud crunching noise.

junmi was quick to turn her head around and had easily spotted yoongi. a smirk made its way to her lips. her traveled to the window upstairs, chanrin's room before fixating her gaze back on yoongi.

"so i guess you heard." she said monotonously before signalling her men with a snap of her fingers.

"are you the one behind the infamous seoul toxic explosion? is jimin with you?! answer me!" yoongi yelled, his intentions cut in half. one is to alert the neighborhood as well as chanrin and second is to hopefully get an answer.

the woman wasn't too greedy and gave him what he asked.


"to both?" but before he could get another answer, one man, two times bigger than yoongi had landed a punch on his gut, making him clutch his stomach in pain as he coughed out a little blood.

another hit at the back of his neck and he was knocked out.

little did they know, chanrin saw them carrying yoongi towards the van.

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:

he needed to warn chanrin and the rest, and so he did, knocking at chanrin's room rapidly.

he heard chanrin punching a few buttons inside to unlock her door before it opened. she didn't even have the time to greet him as he literally screamed on her face.

"we need to get out of here!"



proof read! and stan talent, stan dreamcatcher ♥

© MINRA, 2017

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