Tanks Away.

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Ahsoka glanced over the rock she was using as cover. The droid army they had been spying on was beginning to move. The four tanks were being manned—er droided?

"How's it looking, Commander?" Rex asked as he crawled up beside her.

"They're mobilizing." She handed him her macrobinoculars. "Looks like they're trying to flank Master Obi-wan's troops."

"Hmm... Well we can't have that, can we?"


Rex peered through the viewer. "Those tanks are going to be a problem though. We don't have much cover where we are, and we don't have any rockets."

"Looks like we're going to have to get a little bit more personal then." She smiled mischievously.

Rex smiled back, but under his helmet she couldn't see it. He loved that look she got when she was rearing for a battle: her eyes growing bright, and her face flushing with adrenaline. He had to admit it: she was damn sexy when she started the whole warrior princess routine. And she was a superb warrior.

'Damn it. Not now...' Rex thought to himself, suddenly very thankful for the protection his helmet provided. Ahsoka wouldn't be able to see his blush as his thoughts strayed a little too far.

"I'll go rally the others." She said, slipping away from the rock with feline grace.

When she was safely out of earshot, Rex let out his breath in a massive, relieved sigh.

"Trouble with the Commander?" a Clone said behind him.

Rex almost jumped out of his skin. He didn't know anyone was there. He wheeled around, ready to reprimand some shiny for insubordination, but realized it was Fives.

'Damn it!' That was the last person he wanted to see right now.

"Not exactly." Rex growled.

"She figure you out yet?"

Fives was also wearing his helmet, but Rex could just imagine the smug smile that was surely plastered all over his face. Rex thought about playing dumb, but Fives had noticed the truth weeks ago. There wouldn't be any lying to him. So instead he shrugged.

"She hasn't said anything if she has." He turned his attention back to the tanks, hoping Fives would take the hint and leave.

"Well, her senses must be pretty dull if she can't see it. I mean, it's written all over your face every time you're in the room with her. You don't have to be a Jedi to notice."

"Shut up, Fives."

"I'm just curious. I mean, what is she gonna say when she realizes some Sleemo old man has a crush on her." He laughed. His helmet made it sound mechanical.

"First off, I said shut up. Second, it is not a crush, it's...admiration for a fellow soldier. And third...technically she's older than I am."

Fives laughed again. "Technically, we're all like 35. And technically, she's a Jedi, and it doesn't matter anyway."

"Fives, if I have to tell you to shut up one more time, I may just shoot you myself."

Fives put his hands up in mock surrender. He didn't say anything else, but Rex was sure that smug, smiling idiot was watching him as the Commander returned with the rest of their unit. She led the group of five clones up the hill, a confident sway in her hips. She motioned for Rex and Fives to join them.

"Alright," she said. "There are only eight of us, so we need to work quickly and efficiently. No one take any unnecessary risks. Our targets are those tanks. They cannot be allowed to move around General Kenobi's side, or his troops are finished."

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