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Tyler paces the small dressing room, occasionally adding a jump in his step. You know he usually does before shows to 1) calm his nerves and 2) get himself pumped up.

You lay sprawled across the small couch in the corner of the dressing room. You have your phone out in front of your face, but you continuously switch your gaze from your screen to Tyler.

Suddenly, Tyler stops his pacing and takes a seat at the vanity. You check the time and see that the show starts in 20 minutes. You sit up and furrow your brows towards him. He glances at you in the mirror and continues to support his head with his elbows against the vanity. He stops looking at you and looks straight at himself in the mirror.

You arch your neck a little and send him a goofy smile, trying to get a smile out of him. He glances back at you in the mirror. He lightly tightens the corners of his closed mouth and you realize that you're not going to get anything out of him.

You stand up from the couch and walk over, slipping your phone in your jean pocket. You bend your knees so that you're at his level and place a hand on his shoulder. You examine him in the mirror and you can see that he's looking at you.

"Are you alright, ty?" You ask softly and he shrugs.

"What's wrong?" Your tone is still soft and comforting.

He turns turns on the small stool so now he's facing you. You examine his face again, his eyes are heavy and darker than normal. You reach for his hand and entwine your fingers with his. His hands are abnormally cool and clammy. You use your other hand to try and keep your balance.

He glances to your hand in his and then back to you, deeply staring into your y/e/c eyes.

"I love you." You say in a chipper and singsong voice.

He tries his best to smile slightly, but it's the furthest thing from sincere. "I love you too." His voice is soft and a little raspy from being unused. He uses his free hand to rub the back of his neck.

"Sorry" he starts again.

You let out a small sigh. "You know you don't have to apologize to me."

"I know, but I don't even know what's bothering me and I feel like I'm wasting your time right now." He smirks ever so slightly through his solemn expression.

"What?" You say in an overly sarcastic and joking voice, "Tyler Joseph a waste of my time?" You gasp, gaping your mouth and bringing your hand to your face for effect, but you quickly regret it.

One of your ankles keeping you up suddenly gives out, causing you to lose your balance. You let out a small "ooh" as you fall backwards onto the concrete floor, bringing Tyler with you. He collapses onto your chest and you land with a thud and a groan.

Immediately, you start laughing hysterically. You can feel Tyler lift his head off of your chest and look at you. You look into his eyes again and see worry at first, but you don't stop laughing. Soon enough, a small smile creeps onto his face and he starts to laugh lightly along with you.

He lifts himself off of you and sits next to your laying body. You prop yourself up with your elbows and eventually make it to a sitting position. You breathe in deeply to refill your lungs after your laughing fit.


"Don't even apologize" Tyler cuts you off, a genuine smile on his face. "You just made my night, y/n. That laugh alone."

"Well I'm glad I could help" you joke, seeing Tyler's smile brighten.

He lifts himself up and offers you a hand. You gladly take it and bounce back up, holding the smile on your face.

"You should go get ready" you smile at him and he continues to grin back.

"Okay, okay" he says, placing one hand on your hip.

"You're going to rock out there tonight." You add, feeling him come closer.

"Thank you," he replies, your faces centimeters apart. He leans in and takes you by the lips. You lean into the kiss and wrap your arms around his neck before pulling away.

"Now go kill it" you grin and he heads towards the door. You follow closely behind. He places his hand on the door knob, but stops and faces you.

"One more for good luck?" He pleads, puppy dog eyes and all.

You don't even respond before leaning in to peck his lips one last time before watching him leave down the dimly lit hall.

Tyler Joseph ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now