“Don’t murder that table!” Liam warned us from his seat at his mirror.

            “No promises.” Niall answered. I laughed and high-fived him. Niall and I are so alike. We always get hungry at the same time. It’s like our brains are synchronized together.

            “Niall,” I handed him a strawberry. “Dip this in the chocolate then roll it in the peanuts. It’s amazing.” I told him. Niall never passes up food. He shrugged and took the strawberry from my fingers. He did what I told him to and then he made a sour face. “That’s delicious.” He chuckled.

            I giggled and ate a cupcake. Cupcakes are my weakness.

            After my mini feast, I got ready. My hair was styled up, light makeup plastered on my face, and then we sat on the sofa in front of the TV which was showing what was happening onstage. Soon, the show started.

            Ellen did her signature dance entrance. I’ve always loved how she did that. After she made her entrance, the audience died down and she began talking into the camera.

            “You guys sure are crazy today.” She chuckled, earning laughter from around the room. “Is it because of my new outfit or because One Direction is here?” she smirked, and screams erupted. She smiled her pretty smile and took a seat.

            “Today, we have a little up-close-and-personal sort of interview with the band and then a performance at the end of the show. How’s that?” she asked the crowd and they cheered.

            “Okay, but before we bring out the charming boys, we have-”

            I turned my focus away from the TV when Niall sat next to me. He had a cookie in his hand. It looked good. I turned towards the snack table and there were none left, so I frowned.

            “Want a bite?” Niall asked me, catching us all by surprise.

            “Niall!?” Louis gasped. “Offering his food?! Boys, I think there’s something wrong with the poor guy!” Louis faked dramatically. I chuckled and looked towards Niall.

            “It’s yours, I don’t want to take it.” I smiled, while Niall rolled his eyes.

            “Take the damn thing, Harry.” He chuckled, motioning it towards my mouth. I took a bite while it was still in Niall’s hand and he took it back. That’s why I love him, we can share food and it won’t be weird or gross.

            “Boys.” a crew member from the studio told us. “You’re on in 2 minutes.” He beckoned for us to follow him to the stage. Once offstage, we had to be quiet.

            “Now, I’ll shut up and bring out the people you paid to see.” Ellen rolled her eyes playfully and stood. “Please welcome ONE DIRECTION!” she clapped when we entered onstage: Liam in front, then Zayn, Niall, Me, and Louis. We all hugged Ellen and took a seat on the long yet tiny couch.

            “How’s the couch?” she asked, obviously seeing that we were squeezed in.

            “It’s a bit snug.” Liam chuckled. “But we’ll manage.”

            Niall, being the little snowflake he is, sat crisscrossed on the floor near my legs. A few people awed. Ellen giggled. “Niall, you don’t have to sit on the floor. We can get you a ch-”

            “Oh, I’m fine.” He shrugged. “The floor is comfortable.”

            “Well.” Ellen clapped her hands once. “It’s so nice to see you boys. I’ve listened to your new album, Take Me Home, and I love it so much.” She smiled.

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