Another Day of Boredom

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Zeus, the king of The gods snored loudly on his throne, his chin rested to his right palm. His wife, Hera, had her eyes almost dropping from drifting asleep. She gazed at her wrist and a wristwatch appeared on it, showing the right time. 11:40 am.

"Hermes should be here any moment," she told herself.

By the fireplace at the throne room, Hestia was there in the form of a nine-year old girl, poking the flames with a stick. The fire did not emit heat when the goddess did not want to, especially in a hot day.

The flapping of wings are heard, followed by a familiar thump. Hermes approached the throne room to meet the three Olympians. Zeus woke up to the footsteps of his son.

"Oh," he mumbled, still with sleepy eyes. "You."

"I've done delivering a few hours ago."  Hermes said. "No God felt like sending stuff. Even Iris and Fleecy received a few IM's today."

"No one felt like doing anything today, huh,"  Hera cupped her cheeks.

Suddenly, a frantic voice ran into the room. Zeus bolted awake.

"Gods!" Yelled Apollo, his blonde hair ruined. "Cover me!" He then rushed to Hermes, clumsily hiding behind him.

Zeus furrowed his brow at him. "What is it this time?"

"Apollo!" Screamed a familiar female voice.

"Aren't you tired of pranking your sister?" Hermes laughed.

"It wasn't for Artemis!" he hissed back.

Artemis entered the room, furious. All the Gods in the room looked at her. There was dead silence except for the cracking sounds of Hestia's fireplace.

"Artemis?" Hera broke the silence.

The Maiden Godess was wearing a pink, tube dress with a tutu-like skirt.

"Okay, what did I do to you?!" She screeches, making Apollo cower behind Hermes even more.

"I swear, it wasn't for you! Promise, not you!" He answered cowardly.

"You swear on the river styx?"

"I swear!"

"Cool down, Artemis." Hermes walked towards his throne, leaving the twin brother cowering in fear of the sister. "You heard it; it wasn't  for you."

"It was for the satyr who owed me 31 drachmas," Apollo muttered, which was enough for Artemis to hear.

His twin sister took a deep breath, then exhaled.

"Fine," and with one snap of her finger, the  dress switched back into her regular hunting clothes. "But you're going to have to warn me the next time you pull a stupid prank like this. Leave it to Hermes the expert."

"Hey!" The mentioned god snapped.

Her twin brother cowardly nodded.

"Where are the hunters?" Asked Zeus.

"Camp Half Blood,"  Artemis answered calmly. "Probably teaching archery to the other campers. They need a break from hunting, I believe."

"No, they were chasing the children of Hermes," called the nine-year old Hestia, who might have been observing Camp Half Blood in her fireplace. Hermes shrugged, trying to stifle a laugh, receiving a glare from Artemis.

"Hey," a male voice called from the entrance of the throne room.

"Hello Poseidon," Hestia greeted.

"What's up?" Apollo asks.

"I just left Amphitrite and Triton fighting over which is which," The sea god answered. "And they do it like, everyday. I thought hanging out with you gods can ease my boredom."

"Cool, uncle P. The thing is, we actually got nothing to do."

Poseidon's lips formed a frown. "Never mind," he said. "Olympus is a better place for now." The sea god then sat on his throne.

"Well, look who's here." The gods looked again to the entrance. Athena appeared carrying a small sized laptop.

Poseidon rolled his eyes, and sighed. "Whatever."

"I never knew you had a laptop," Hermes teased. Athena shrugged.

"I order books via amazon," The goddess answered, sitting on her throne and opened her laptop. "And I read stories on wattpad as well."

Poseidon had to stifle a laugh. "Wattpad? Really Athena, you read those cliché romance stories?"

Artemis wrinkled her nose in disgust upon hearing the word 'romance'.

"Well I give them critiques," Athena averted her gaze from Poseidon as if he had the worst case of acne on his face. "I also give them writing advice."

"That's cool!" Apollo tells her. "Mind reading my story, Summer and Destiny?" (AN: Ps this is not a real story!)

The goddess widened her eyes at him.

"That was you?!" Athena widened her eyes, obviously flabbergasted.

Apollo's eyes were the next to widen. "So you were the one who kept commenting to "Improve my work"?

The goddess of wisdom shot him a serious look.

"What kind of story does he write?" asks Artemis, noticing how his brother kept a secret from her.

"Well," Athena did a series of typing and mouse clicking on her laptop. "Here's an excerpt from his story." Then she began reading the text, but here's how it looked like:

"Ohmygosh, the beach is prefrect!!!!11111!!!1!!! 

The sun is soooooooo hot, and everybodys so faboulous in there bikinis and shorts. D: But ohgodssssss....what is thisssss?????

*gasp* Its my crush Adam!!!! He sooo loooks good in his shorts! >.<
Now I'm drooling....halp mah...."

"That is disgusting," answers Artemis.

"Thank you for the support, my beloved sister," her twin brother said.

"You're welcome, beloved brother."

"Seriously," Zeus spoke. "That's crazy. Talking like a crazed fangil who worships a mere mortal with rings in his nose.."

"I'm deeply disturbed," Hestia commented in her child voice.

"What?" Apollo looked at the other gods innocently. "I was exploring the romance cliches! A-and you know I'm better in poetry!"

"Okay, for this rare occasion..." Poseidon spoke. "Zeus is right." his brother nodded.

Everyone was silent for about twenty minutes, staring awkwardly into each other. A moment later, Apollo stood up.

"Athena, truth or dare?"


Hello, dearest readers. Thank you for reading the first chapter. The second chapter will be uploaded either tomorrow or within the week.
Besides, I am busy updating other stories as well.

If you want to send a truth/dare to me, this book is open for it! I would love to hear them.


Olympian Gods, Truth Or Dare?Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin