Special. 21

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- Rewind -

"Oh, okay. Drive home save kids." He smiles at us. What a bright person, but that sentence makes me shudder. He reminds me of someone...I shake my head to get rid of the memory's. I give a quick hug to Phil, then I follow the guys back to our vehicles. I hop back on Ace, for the third time, Ace is my motorcycle. But before I can back up from the parking spot, Val grabs my arm. I stare into his eyes, that are a beautiful green, with small specks of gold. Huh, I never noticed that before. But why am I noticing it now?

"What?" I ask.

"Why did you stiffen when I said, 'get over it'?" He questions me. Shit, busted.

- Present -

I shrug. "I had a brain freeze, and that was my body's reaction." I lie coolly.

He narrows his eyes at me. "Alright." He says unconvinced. "Are you sure? Cause you know we are here for you. You can talk to us. Just say the w-" He's cut off by me screaming.

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! I fucking get it! I'm fucking fine! Why can't you just fucking understand that!? Get it through your fucking head! I'm. Fine! You don't have the fucking right to ask me if i'm alright or not! You don't fucking understand asshole! Just leave me the fuck alone! I don't need your stupid fucking pity! Now. Leave. Me. The. Fuck alone!" I spit. I reeve the engine and I quickly leave the parking lot.

As i'm driving I realize, that i'm going have to apologize. Then i'm going to have to explain why I went off on him. And then there going to treat me differently. Fuck, I messed up badly.


Val's P.O.V

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! I fucking get it! I'm fucking fine! Why can't you just fucking understand that!? Get it through your fucking head! I'm. Fine! You don't have the fucking right to ask me if i'm fine! You don't fucking understand asshole! Just leave me the fuck alone! I don't need your stupid fucking pity! Now. Leave. Me. The. Fuck alone!" Max spat in my face. And before I can say anything, she reeve's the engine and drive's away. Leaving me here glued to my spot, confused as hell. 

Why did she yell at me? Why did she go off? I will have to admit, it's kinda hot when she's mad.  But, just a little. And other than that, it's fucking terrifying. But, why'd did she blow her fuse? She's holding something back from us. I always knew she was, but this just proves my suspicion. But what is she holding back? Do her brothers know? Do her parent's know? Does Elliot know? Does Max's boyfriend know? All these thoughts and questions swarm my confused head.

"Bro, what happened?" My eyes snap to the owner of the voice. Clarence. Should I tell him? No, i'll tell him later.

"Nothing. Just I said that you better get home before some one steals your strawberries. Then she went on a fake rant on how I stole them. And she left." I lie.

"Oh, alright." Clarence smiles. "Well come on, we gotta go."

"Oh, okay. Let's go bitches." I say as I hop into the car.


I'm laying on my bed, looking blankly at the ceiling. Mom's out with a couple of friends. And dad's still on the business trip. I sigh out loud, obnoxiously. Then the questions suffocate my mind again.

Is Max mad at me-or is she mad at my statement? Should I go over there and apologize, or just stay here and give her time to cool down? I could text her. That would still give her space...I think. Why is apologizing so fucking confusing. Then again, why are girls so confusing? Should I apologize to her? Or should I give her time? Fuck it, i'll just fucking text, if she likes it or not. I whip out my phone and I press on her contact.

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